Ban Dispute (sidd)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: sidd
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: DeadRising1
Your Roleplay Name: Hamish
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426512614

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User failed to follow orders under gunpoint

Why should this appeal be considered?: i have already made a ban appeal but it was rejected, however now i have evidence i would like to make another as i truly believe this is an unfair ban, i was being mugged in a non mug zone and the admin who banned me admitted this, however i wont be unbanned for something that happened during a non valid rp scene, the guy who mugged me shouldnt have mugged me anyway but because of the mistake i made during the mugging that broke the rules i am still banned. surely this is cause for me being unbanned. he shouldnt have been mugging me anyway but he got no punishment yet i am still banned for 2 days. how is this fair or make sense?
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@DeadRising1 You have a apology up, you cannot do both, do you admit fault and want to go with your apology, or do you want to dispute and stick with this?
the mod that banned me (sidd) said i will be unbanned) i am not apologising again and would like to be unbanned as soon as possible, i am sticking with the dispute as i was mugged in a non mug zone, i didnt comply by accident i pressed no on a zip tie, and i was banned for this, seeing as he wasnt even meant to be mugging me i feel its fair i am unbanned, again sidd has said i will be unbanned and i am just waiting for this to happen. my first apology was rejected, the second one was simply to be unbanned as sidd said he couldnt un bann me on a dispute or something.
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Hello @DeadRising1,

The reason for your ban is: 3.4 - User failed to follow orders under gunpoint. (I have ammended that on your initial post)
In order for your dispute to be reviewed you will have to provide some sort of evidence of the situation, you can either send us a clip or the demo file

Even if the individual is mugging you in public, you still need to follow through with the roleplay and then report it afterwards. By doing this, the roleplay isn't affected and your items will be returned to you afterwards anyway.

Please refer to the below quotation from rule 2.6 below which explains what you should have done:

"If a player(s) is in a role-play situation with another player(s) who has broken a rule, after the report function (F6 key) has been used, the former player(s) should continue the role-play situation as best as to their ability, and within the confines of the rules, until either it has ended and/or an Administrator intervenes."

Reviewed with @Aquaa
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