Someone family sharing my steam account

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Hello I’m making this thread as someone somehow has access to my account and is family sharing accounts and trying too get on the server. There has been 3 different accounts in the last few months trying too join, I haven’t had my pc in ages so it isn’t me nor my brother, the 2 most recent ones I’ve been in work when it’s happened and my brother is in college while it’s happening. I don’t have access too the email my steam account is connected too (login info on pc)
I am hoping someone can either track where the people are connecting from and trying too make it clear that it isn’t me.

(I don’t know if it did or not but that could of been a reason my ban appeal was denied)
Try to contact steam support to see if you can rechange your email and password. I highly recommend to try to recreate an email if your current email has been fully breached.
For those unaware who are doubting the credibility in 2020 this guys little brother used to play until he came on, Got a 1.2 ban, Tried to cheat and DDoS'd the server before repeatedly ban evading.
I haven’t had my pc in ages so it isn’t me nor my brother

You might want to get that fact checked by real vaccinated patriots asap.
You might want to get that fact checked by real vaccinated patriots asap.
If it is my brother then he got home from college very early and I know it wasn’t me as I was in work when 2 accounts tried too join with 1 being the most recent one and I posted that while I was still in work
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