Server Suggestion Additional Character Slot(s)

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Suggestion Title: Additional Character Slot(s)
Suggestion Description: As the title suggests, I am suggesting the idea of adding an additional Character Slot(s) to the server. If you have played on other RP servers such as Mafia RP, or any server on FiveM, you'll know that you have the option to create several unique characters. Unfortunately, this is not a thing on PERPHeads. Personally, I've tried RP'ing as several different characters, from a redneck to a crazed Chinese guy and one of the absolute worst things is that if I decide I want to RP as a different character, I'd have to go pay for a face change, name change, and sometimes even a sex change. This can all get pretty costly if you are frequently roleplaying as different characters which is why I am proposing the solution of offering additional character slots.

Upon logging in, you should be greeted to a view of city hall or the underground Jennifer's room which will give you an option to select which character you would like to spawn in with, scrolling through them like you do with saved outfits.

Why should this be added?:
- Easier to RP as different characters, which can result in more people actually RP'ing because it eliminates the hassle of having to completely overhaul your one and only character.

What negatives could this have?:
- Some sort of abuse such as transferring possible rewards given to the 2nd character over to your main (if any are provided)
- Switching characters post-respawn after dying at a raid to go flank on your other character - Combat this with a timer of 30 minutes before you can switch characters after dying?
-Will add more as they're offered.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Having to pay to overhaul your only character every time you want to properly RP as someone else, as described above.
Easy yes, would this be just visual or could different characters do different things (i dont think i quite understand)
Easy yes, would this be just visual or could different characters do different things (i dont think i quite understand)

It would be a completely different character, like playing on a fresh account.
There will have to be some precautions to prevent you from giving yourself things between characters tho. I could see some ways to abuse this. Most things with multiple character slots have some rules and actual mechanics in place to prevent things of that nature. Other than that. You've got my vote.
As an old player, I am all for this. I feel like having multiple characters with different personas (different orgs and phone numbers) would be great. I would suggest that they share the same storage and bank account. I also would suggest that you cannot enter anywhere near the area of where you last died and should include double the NLR timer. Lastly, there would need to be rules around changing characters to avoid RP situations such as a warrant or someone trying to find you. It should probably be within the limits of disconnecting in 3.20. Great suggestion!
As far as I'm aware, changing PERP to allow for multiple completely separate characters would require significant restructuring of the gamemode's code, including of course changes to both the in-game and website sides of the PD systems.

I feel that given at least the current playerbase, a fully-seperated character system would be underutilised; the several "should we wipe perp?" conversations throughout the years have demonstrated that none of the community like the idea of having to start over again, so I feel that if people were forced to completely start a new game in order to save these characters or either just choose to spend the money on the face/gender/clothes or not change at all, they would pick one of the latter two.

Gamemodes that use multi-character systems (at least the ones I'm familiar with) structure their characters very differently;

On PERP we allow players to jump from job to job to criminal life at will, separating and protecting the different identities under NLR.

On other servers characters are constantly the same person; a police officer that goes off duty isn't a new person but simply an off-duty police officer, they can be recognised and acted against as a result of their actions while on duty and if they commit a crime while off duty their police roles can be called in to question.
Additionally, most of these servers allow for some form of corruption whilst in government jobs, meaning that there is a very good reason why you might want to have several seperate characters within the same job, for example one corrupt police officer that could get caught out and demoted at any time verses a straight as an arrow cop trying to pursue an honest career should be seperated for obvious reasons in this case.

In my opinion unless we were to make fundamental changes to the way we handle characters in order to make them more like these other servers, it would make much more sense to either simply expand the wardrobe system to also save names/faces or add a similar system for saving them separately while keeping the rest of the system the same.
As an old player, I am all for this. I feel like having multiple characters with different personas (different orgs and phone numbers) would be great. I would suggest that they share the same storage and bank account. I also would suggest that you cannot enter anywhere near the area of where you last died and should include double the NLR timer. Lastly, there would need to be rules around changing characters to avoid RP situations such as a warrant or someone trying to find you. It should probably be within the limits of disconnecting in 3.20. Great suggestion!
yeah i agree, i think there needs to be stuff appended to 3.20 or even make something intermediary between 3.20 and 3.21 that says players should not switch characters within 30 minutes of committing a crime (30 is an example), as well as adding that they shouldn't switch characters if they were being pursued by another player (added to 3.19)
In my opinion unless we were to make fundamental changes to the way we handle characters in order to make them more like these other servers, it would make much more sense to either simply expand the wardrobe system to also save names/faces or add a similar system for saving them eperatedly.
this doesn't sound like a bad idea, but i think that the same additions would have to be made to 3.19 and 3.20 so people don't just switch entire identities to avoid someone else
Additionally, most of these servers allow for some form of corruption whilst in government jobs, meaning that there is a very good reason why you might want to have several seperate characters within the same job, for example one corrupt police officer that could get caught out and demoted at any time verses a straight as an arrow cop trying to pursue an honest career should be seperated for obvious reasons in this case.
if multiple characters get added this should not be allowed, this would be HORRIBLE for PLPD, actually any job really. it gives players an excuse to be minges and assholes and people won't really be held up to the same standard (obviously)
if multiple characters get added this should not be allowed, this would be HORRIBLE for PLPD, actually any job really. it gives players an excuse to be minges and assholes and people won't really be held up to the same standard (obviously)
I don't think this would ever happen on PERP. Even if it did I don't think it could work beyond minor things like maybe allowing cops to take bribes, allowing RC to overcharge and maybe allowing medics to force people to pay for healthcare etc.
yeah i'd hope for it to never be worse than just bribes or else it'd be really bad, professional standards would just not exist for PLPD. i like the idea of RC overcharging and medics forcing for healthcare payment, because sometimes those jobs get taken for granted within the bounds of the rules. would be nice to be able to overcharge without getting GP'd as RC lol
As far as I'm aware, changing PERP to allow for multiple completely separate characters would require significant restructuring of the gamemode's code, including of course changes to both the in-game and website sides of the PD systems.
At least the coding side of our gamemode was created with the possibility of later allowing multiple characters per user in mind. There is nothing stopping it in the database, and it is specifically setup to allow it.
However, the gamemode has grown a lot since then, so the only real challenge would making sure that nothing we added since then would break.

It would still be a lot of work, but not a major restructuring on the code side.

Of course from a gameplay perspective one could argue that once players can have multiple characters, your character should either be fully criminial or gov, but this is just something we could encourage in the future.
Just offering the ability of having multiple characters will not break anything gameplay wise.
I was going to make a suggestion to have your “Government character” Different to your civilian character, and have it work as such:

You are your civilian character upon:
- Being civilian (ofc)
- Being the Mayor
- Being Roadcrew, Taxi driver, or courier.

You are your government character upon:
- Joining a police job
- Joining secret service
- Joining Paramedic
- Joining Firefighter.

I disagree that someone should have more than 1 civilian character though, in order to enforce job related new life rule when entering a government job, Players should have a government character, except for minor “technically government“ jobs and being mayor (Because you, the civilian, signed the ballot).
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