Cooldown to raid PD

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Suggestion Title: Cooldown to raid PD
Suggestion Description: We all know, whenever one of those pesky criminals scream "10 toes," a PD raid is going to occur. This can happen at least 3 times in a 15 minute timespan, which doesn't make sense realistically. We pride this server with Serious RP and I have never seen in my 20 years being on this planet, the Police Department being raided 3 times in 15 minutes (we can say a week as well). I would like to propose an idea that would limit the amount of PD raids that occur, as it is not fair to the officers who get on and 2 minutes later, are killed in a PD Raid.

What I propose is a cooldown to raid the Police Department. This can be implemented in the game, where if a PD door is broken in to, when the door is able to be locked, no more doors can be broken in to. The thing can say "The Police Department has recently improved their locks, try again in x minutes." This would stop the amount of times the Police Department is raided.

Why should this be added?:
This should be added so that the Police Department can actually be efficient. If you die in PD, you got to wait 10 minutes before returning, which means you cannot arrest those who do crimes, as you are under NLR. This basically makes policing non existent, as you cannot enforce the law with jail time.

What negatives could this have?:
The criminals are going to get pissed because they can't get their friends out of jail. That is the only negative I see. You rarely see someone broken out of a PD Jail Cell Area in real life, but it happens, but for it to happen 3 times in 15 minutes, it is unrealistic.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: It just allows PD to actually not die 24/7, considering 8/10 times, there is no TFU on to deal with the situation. As well, it increases RP as another way you can do a jail break, is to kidnap a law enforcement officer or anyone who has keys to the Police Department.
Suggestion Title: Cooldown to raid PD
Suggestion Description: We all know, whenever one of those pesky criminals scream "10 toes," a PD raid is going to occur. This can happen at least 3 times in a 15 minute timespan, which doesn't make sense realistically. We pride this server with Serious RP and I have never seen in my 20 years being on this planet, the Police Department being raided 3 times in 15 minutes (we can say a week as well). I would like to propose an idea that would limit the amount of PD raids that occur, as it is not fair to the officers who get on and 2 minutes later, are killed in a PD Raid.

What I propose is a cooldown to raid the Police Department. This can be implemented in the game, where if a PD door is broken in to, when the door is able to be locked, no more doors can be broken in to. The thing can say "The Police Department has recently improved their locks, try again in x minutes." This would stop the amount of times the Police Department is raided.

Why should this be added?:
This should be added so that the Police Department can actually be efficient. If you die in PD, you got to wait 10 minutes before returning, which means you cannot arrest those who do crimes, as you are under NLR. This basically makes policing non existent, as you cannot enforce the law with jail time.

What negatives could this have?:
The criminals are going to get pissed because they can't get their friends out of jail. That is the only negative I see. You rarely see someone broken out of a PD Jail Cell Area in real life, but it happens, but for it to happen 3 times in 15 minutes, it is unrealistic.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: It just allows PD to actually not die 24/7, considering 8/10 times, there is no TFU on to deal with the situation. As well, it increases RP as another way you can do a jail break, is to kidnap a law enforcement officer or anyone who has keys to the Police Department.
Keep it calm cop main, when we pd raid both sides gets to have fun and if you were to die, what would you lose? Oh yeah, nothing. :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:
I like the idea and it definitely depends what they have in store for V6. I'd like to see an actual prison added where you can get a government job as a security guard, equipped with a night stick and a small pistol sidearm who's job it is to protect the prison, they could issue a panic for police to attend, this would reduce NLR issues if the prison is nowhere near the PD and that could mean increased sentences which can be reduced by doing certain jobs in prison as a crim to get an earlier release etc...

You could even throw in a small probability of them obtaining a weapon such as a knife when doing these jobs inside the prison, I'd imagine that would just be a re-hash of the lua code for fishing.

What that also does is give criminals the chance to either raid PD BEFORE their friends are sent to prison, or raid the prison AFTER they've been sentenced. It doesn't have to be a top of the range military complex.
cop mains when they can raid a property an infinite amount of times after dying because a warrant remains :wacky:

cops mains when criminals raid pd after their friend is arrested for raiding pd :jawdrop::jawdrop:
have some fun man, you loose nothing from a pd raid , at most 5 mins that could have been spent issuing tickets, most cops ive spoken to find it funny or entertaining as its some CQB and criminals are actively spending money for PVP
Its not like you can just raid PD. There needs to be a reason such as your mate being arrested for a violent felony likely to garner a 7+ Year sentence. Adding a cooldown to this is pointless and changes nothing.
There shouldn't be a cooldown, it is a risk they are taking, considering that if they KOS all cops, if you give a high ticket, the person is still gonna have that ticket when they get out, so they still take some sort of loss, and if they lose, then they lose guns, other illegal items. Not to mention that as Bnej has stated, there must be a reasoning for them to raid PD, most of the time if your attentive you can predict a PD raid before it occurs by just sitting around PD. You also have so many powerful spots while in PD such as PD jail rooms which they have to leave there back to at least one angle when the cell doors open.
I like the idea and it definitely depends what they have in store for V6. I'd like to see an actual prison added where you can get a government job as a security guard, equipped with a night stick and a small pistol sidearm who's job it is to protect the prison, they could issue a panic for police to attend, this would reduce NLR issues if the prison is nowhere near the PD and that could mean increased sentences which can be reduced by doing certain jobs in prison as a crim to get an earlier release etc...

You could even throw in a small probability of them obtaining a weapon such as a knife when doing these jobs inside the prison, I'd imagine that would just be a re-hash of the lua code for fishing.

What that also does is give criminals the chance to either raid PD BEFORE their friends are sent to prison, or raid the prison AFTER they've been sentenced. It doesn't have to be a top of the range military complex.
however i agree with this

v6 should overhaul prison and make it so its not just 10 mins on your phone @Bnje has proably already make a 50 page long SA about it
This is the most one sided suggestion from a cop main perspective i've seen in a while, why would you want a cooldown on more action and pvp? Plus who is going to go " Oh shit we can't go raid so I guess we gotta let our boy rot in jail for 10 mins" oh hell no
If you die in PD, you got to wait 10 minutes before returning, which means you cannot arrest those who do crimes, as you are under NLR. This basically makes policing non existent, as you cannot enforce the law with jail time.
Most times PD raids don't end until after a cop's NLR timer is over, and if it does the easy solution would be allowing cops to go into their NLR zone inside the PD to perform necessary job actions, such as armory or arresting a suspect, and then exiting immediately. Preventing PD from being raided by another group of people is just dumb and unncessary. Banks don't get robbed hourly IRL either, yet is robbed many times a day should there be a timer there too? Should there be a timer for cops to not raid the same property over and over again if they keep committing crimes there? Please look at other perspectives before posting because you died due to a skill issue in a VERY easily defendable PD if you just camp the jail cells.

Oh hell yes please
If you don't have anything constructive to post other than your braindead PD biased takes stop posting. Maybe you'd have fun as a cop and not whine if you didn't blackscreen 24/7 due to your skill issues.
I get the thing of getting your buddy out of jail. However, it comes down to the point where most cops spend 1/2 of their day on a black screen of death. Where is the fun in that, just seeing a black screen? Most of the time, cops are against individuals with assault weapons, when cops just have pistols, as TFU isn’t on at times.

While this may be “one side,” us cops are just tired of staring at a black screen. We want more RP. We ask criminals to try and find more RP like instead of instantly shooting at us, how about you get a hostage and negotiate? It’s been a while since we have actually had a hostage situation! That’s another way that you can get your friend out without using bullets.
But why?

Raiding the PLPD is already a high-risk task, with personal equipment on the line in the hopes of getting your buddy out of jail. That is with taking enough precautions to ensure they are being jailed for 7+ years.

As much as PD raids can be annoying, their severity heavily falls on the coordination and communication of the Officers on duty. When you have Officers that don't communicate and act on their own agency, and you're just blackscreen'd for the 3rd time in a row, then sure, it's annoying. But it feels that way for anyone that tries basing and has a bunch of people either attempt or actually raid them, including the PLPD itself.
I get the thing of getting your buddy out of jail. However, it comes down to the point where most cops spend 1/2 of their day on a black screen of death. Where is the fun in that, just seeing a black screen? Most of the time, cops are against individuals with assault weapons, when cops just have pistols, as TFU isn’t on at times.

While this may be “one side,” us cops are just tired of staring at a black screen. We want more RP. We ask criminals to try and find more RP like instead of instantly shooting at us, how about you get a hostage and negotiate? It’s been a while since we have actually had a hostage situation! That’s another way that you can get your friend out without using bullets.

Most the time cops die while responding to a raid or trying to raid a warranted property. How do you suppose to fit RP into that scenario if the criminals are already shooting the homeowners and/or are warranted for murder already.

The issue with cops is that they run in like brainless idiots rather than playing smart. How would this suggestion fix other orgs who have people in jail right after a PD break. What about the powerspike of cops against an org of 2 people or solo players?

Hostage situations have also 0 RP from cops, the hostage takers release the hostage and they get gunned down instantly by the cops or the cops follow them for some time and then gun them down. Better yet, a lot of the times they just run in anyways even tho there is a hostage and a firefight breaks out and cops complain about a blackscreen.
We want more RP. We ask criminals to try and find more RP
That won't ever happen. The server should be rebranded to cops and robbers tbh. This goes back to the state of roleplay post and my opinion still stands on that. I'm for this suggestion and quite frankly we need more passive ways of roleplay. Pistol cops going up against rifles and snipers get shit on obviously and get told they have a "sKiLl IsSuE" when its not the case. Crims are OP but this once again will fall on deaf ears.
Most the time cops die while responding to a raid or trying to raid a warranted property. How do you suppose to fit RP into that scenario if the criminals are already shooting the homeowners and/or are warranted for murder already.

The issue with cops is that they run in like brainless idiots rather than playing smart. How would this suggestion fix other orgs who have people in jail right after a PD break. What about the powerspike of cops against an org of 2 people or solo players?

Hostage situations have also 0 RP from cops, the hostage takers release the hostage and they get gunned down instantly by the cops or the cops follow them for some time and then gun them down. Better yet, a lot of the times they just run in anyways even tho there is a hostage and a firefight breaks out and cops complain about a blackscreen.
According to the Handbook, we are to honor the requests of the hostage takers, as long as they comply with the demands (such as releasing them). If they request free passage, then they will get free passage.
That won't ever happen. The server should be rebranded to cops and robbers tbh. This goes back to the state of roleplay post and my opinion still stands on that. I'm for this suggestion and quite frankly we need more passive ways of roleplay. Pistol cops going up against rifles and snipers get shit on obviously and get told they have a "sKiLl IsSuE" when its not the case. Crims are OP but this once again will fall on deaf ears.
You always have so much to say yet propose no viable suggestions that's fair and fun for both sides nor have anything actually constructive to say other than whining all the time.
According to the Handbook, we are to honor the requests of the hostage takers, as long as they comply with the demands (such as releasing them). If they request free passage, then they will get free passage.
I'm saying what happens after they get free passage? They can't just leave the city and go to Rockford v4. They get into a base and get raided or get gunned down on the street afterwards causing a shootout and cops dying where they will complain, like what Eric is doing.
You always have so much to say yet propose no viable suggestions that's fair and fun for both sides nor have anything actually constructive to say other than whining all the time.
I'm saying what happens after they get free passage? They can't just leave the city and go to Rockford v4. They get into a base and get raided or get gunned down on the street afterwards causing a shootout and cops dying where they will complain, like what Eric is doing.
Maybe people shouldn't give me a valid reason to complain? lol

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