Community Suggestion Roadcrew Trucks


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Suggestion Title: Roadcrew Trucks
Suggestion Description: This may have been mentioned before, i would like to suggest adding a new variation of tow truck rather than just the 'brute'.

Every other job has other vehicle types/choices.
I think that this would tie in nicely with the new job ranks that have been added recently at the same time will go along side my other suggestion of

Why should this be added?:
Every other job has other vehicle types/choices, i feel like it would spruce up the roadcrew job a little, bringing new challenges and experiences to the job. It provides something to work towards to achieve.


Examples of new truck types can be seen below

What negatives could this have?:
- Compatibility of other trucks/ sizes of other models. A fair bit of work for devs to complete (unless purchase a model from elsewhere and use same system.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Something to work towards as roadcrew, some new challenges and in general a new experience to the job as the current truck is just... a brute....

Useful Images: , ,
The beamng tow truck would be just amazing looking vehicle with basically the same mechanics...just possibly faster... on the flatbeds i dont know if theres a possible system to make that would make them work. How would it work?
The beamng tow truck would be just amazing looking vehicle with basically the same mechanics...just possibly faster... on the flatbeds i dont know if theres a possible system to make that would make them work. How would it work?
I agree with the flatbeds not sure how that would work within Paralake, but i defo think we need more variation in trucks, speed or power or something yknow
What is easy to get? Considering it is not unrealistic that 85-90% of the player base never reaches the second Roadcrew rank. There is a way bigger chance that the new player playing Roadcrew is going to get banned before even reaching halfway to the second Roadcrew rank considering the record new players have when playing Roadcrew.

And not only is the first truck kind of ugly but look at the size of that thing! With a car in tow it is going to be as long or longer than the firetruck!

Unfortunately I think that a update like this would only favour the 10+/- people actually playing Roadcrew consistently.
What is easy to get? Considering it is not unrealistic that 85-90% of the player base never reaches the second Roadcrew rank. There is a way bigger chance that the new player playing Roadcrew is going to get banned before even reaching halfway to the second Roadcrew rank considering the record new players have when playing Roadcrew.

And not only is the first truck kind of ugly but look at the size of that thing! With a car in tow it is going to be as long or longer than the firetruck!

Unfortunately I think that a update like this would only favour the 10+/- people actually playing Roadcrew consistently.
What is easy to get?
All the job ranks have the same XP requirements, people dont play roadcrew because of the lack of rewards for achieving a rank

There is a way bigger chance that the new player playing Roadcrew is going to get banned before even reaching halfway to the second Roadcrew rank considering the record new players have when playing Roadcrew.
I agree with this statement but i think thats the same for all jobs? the amount of new players in general getting banned is due to their lack of understanding, they dont read the rules.

And not only is the first truck kind of ugly but look at the size of that thing! With a car in tow it is going to be as long or longer than the firetruck!

I agree with the fact it is ugly. The size of it is not an issue! half the super cars + in the game are larger!! wider!! the only thing is the height of the truck.
With a car in its tow with the brute, cars are wider... longer, just not as tall.
10+/- people actually playing Roadcrew consistently.
Most new players try roadcrew as one of their first jobs, and if you ask around most new players have the same view, its boring, there's not much replay ability. So in the case of it only benefiting 10 or so people, ALL other jobs have a choice in vehicle types/choices! before other vehicle types were added for those jobs, it was the same thought process, only 10 or so people play it consistently. Now a good amount of the player base like to go as EMS because once high enough level it brings in a good income, theres more vehicle types to drive, each one having a specific job.

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