Server Suggestion Planter changes

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Berlin, Germany
Suggestion Title: Planter changes
Suggestion Description: With the recent changes regarding the planters, there has been an issue that just wasted 50 mins of my time.
Someone took my planters with him and I could not reclaim them at the City Hall. Why?
My weed was not dying because they were upside down and the guy forgot to check on them (or did it intentionally idk).
I am asking for the following changes:
- Please revert the changes and make them stay up at all times again
- Only the owner of the planters should be able to pause them (or people with physgun access (but I could see why this would be denied for a couple of reasons))

Why should this be added?:
- To avoid situations like I just had. I could not plant nor join a job for the time.

What negatives could this have?:
- I know they changed the planters so it's easier to transport them. This would be more difficult again.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Planters can't be reclaimed in this situation.
I prefer how it is now personally. Having them forced upright made driving with them hell, especially if you got rammed. They were a buggy mess that could launch people and vehicles.
what recent changes?
It was added in the 18/03/2024 update.
  • Removed force upright constraints from planters, they will now only grow when they are not significantly rotated

The planters are not forced to stand up straight anymore, and people deliberately put planters to the side or upside down to prevent them from growing and for people to reclaim their planters back at City Hall.

Could just make it so plants die after being on their side for 5+minutes, and that you can reclaim planters if the plants are dead.
Could just make it so plants die after being on their side for 5+minutes, and that you can reclaim planters if the plants are dead.
This would prove difficult for particularly long raids as the defenders won’t have time to correct their planters before they die.
Why not make it so when plants die after a certain period they physically aren't in the planter anymore
So then people who are intentionally doing it so people csnt use their planters csnt do that anymore
Don't put planters by bomb spots I guess ;-;
This would not work for several reasons, in apartment buildings, especially those on the lower floors typically have a bomb placed by storage, flinging any planters stored inside that area(such as those in the slots of the chem table) as well as sometimes in the backroom of the apartment itself.
Could just make it so plants die after being on their side for 5+minutes, and that you can reclaim planters if the plants are dead.
no maybe +20min bc sometime it take time to trasport the drugs then fight thenn trustport again etc
or the drugs on it face when it get bomb and the fight take +5 min
Its immensely difficult to transport drugs as is, This update made it miles easier but thats like saying Rocket science is easier when you play 500 hours of Kerbal Space Programme.
Aye but if you're transporting drugs then it should have some sort of of difficulty. Also, it can't take any more than five minutes from putting the planters in the back to getting them out, or being able to fix their orientation. I don't see how allowing them to sit on their side for essentially an entire weed grow duration before dying is a good compromise either. Perhaps ten minutes between it being tipped over and the plants dying?
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Aye but if you're transporting drugs then it should have some sort of of difficulty. Also, it can't take any more than five minutes from putting the planters in the back to getting them out, or being able to fix their orientation. I don't see how allowing them to sit on their side for essentially an entire weed grow duration before dying is a good compromise either. Perhaps ten minutes between it being tipped over and the plants dying?
I agree with that. As it is now people can also have others planters upside down just to troll the people they've raided. I've heard it being discussed on the server before.
While we think of a solution, feel free to make a report if you think someone is doing this with bad faith.
What if plants start dying 15min after being tipped over?
That would still cause issues imo, while its not very common for a defense to last 15 mins for me, it can happen, and it would be incredibly frustrating to lose the thing you were protecting because it got flinged on its side during a raid. Espeically since you would have to flip it using your fists as opposed to your phygun.