Server Suggestion chop shop

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Suggestion Title: chop shop
Suggestion Description: change some car spawn location like

1- regals parking

2- slums


Why should this be added?:
bc its near the pd and high chance there is cop in there and the crowbar can be hear from 1km away

What negatives could this have?:
less location of spawning car "but can be replaced like cg"

What problem would this suggestion solve?: stop spawning the car on dumb places
Given the reward is quite high for what little you have to do and little risk, I think it is totally fine some locations are more shit than others. Sometimes you will get lucky, sometimes you will get screwed, it balances out nicely without being too overpowered moneymaker
Given the reward is quite high for what little you have to do and little risk, I think it is totally fine some locations are more shit than others. Sometimes you will get lucky, sometimes you will get screwed, it balances out nicely without being too overpowered moneymaker
its not really about the risk why im suggestion chang the location bc its almost over if there is cop at pd

before you start it end and you cant shoot him and its so stupid location especially with long range of crowbar
Suggestion Title: chop shop
Suggestion Description: change some car spawn location like

1- regals parking

2- slums


Why should this be added?:
bc its near the pd and high chance there is cop in there and the crowbar can be hear from 1km away

What negatives could this have?:
less location of spawning car "but can be replaced like cg"

What problem would this suggestion solve?: stop spawning the car on dumb places
Am only going to ask but does this have to do with the 3.4 rule because it states that? "
  • Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at."
Am only going to ask but does this have to do with the 3.4 rule because it states that? "
  • Committing a violent or serious crime, such as murder, theft, arson, etc. whilst knowing that police are in direct eyeshot of the scene you wish to commit the crime at."
3.4 Specifies that if you are knowledgable of police being in EYESHOT of the place you are attempting to commit the crime at, of course places such as regals can involve this, and it is quite a shit location to get, however as Blovis stated, it balances out how much easy money you can make for such little time you have to put in to stealing the vehicle, driving it around for a bit and then dropping it off. In addition to this, if you time it right, majority of PD will not be around if your chop shop is at RC if there is another situation ongoing, so if you time it well, you might not even be caught even with these shit locations.
Currently chopshop is literally easy money with little to no risk, Making it even easier isn't needed in the slightest.
Right now its luck of the draw where your car spawns so that's atleast some risk.
Maybe for easy difficulty they shouldn't spawn too close to pd but I think it's fine for hard
Currently chopshop is literally easy money with little to no risk, Making it even easier isn't needed in the slightest.
Right now its luck of the draw where your car spawns so that's atleast some risk.
I don’t think escaping in a stolen GMC Van you stole in eye and earshot of the PD parking ramp is easy personally.

Easy chop shop shouldn’t have alarmed cars at all imho (That is if it even does). You’re escaping sweaty cops grinding for promotion in a car with the horsepower and top speed of 16 hamsters running in wheels combined.
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