Budget cuts as a mayor

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Topic: Budget cuts as a mayor

Short explanation (in notes):
- in stead of Fx. lowereing salarys and the amount of car you should as mayor also be able to pick what cars the PD, FD and EMS can have

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

if you as a mayor could pick what cars the police and other govement workers could have you could cut speandings that way.

Fx. you dont have that much money so the fire dept will have to live one of these in stead of a modern fire engine.
( https://farm1.staticflickr.com/109/263914911_544985620c.jpg )

or you have lots of cash and decides to upgrade the policecars from crown vics to the new 2013 Ford Interceptor
( https://www.google.dk/search?newwin...g.com%2Ftag%2Fpolice%2Binterceptor%2F;628;418 )
Optional additions:
- just an idear and i dont know what will happend to VIP cars so if you guys have anything you wanna add go ahead
-support for old fire engines - not needed at all.

+support but I have my own idea for it.

Here's my thoughtful suggestion:

Crown Vic could be a default speed enforcement vehicle and if mayor allows Mercedes-something racing cruiser (the one we have), it would be a second car for speed enforcement. Another thing - mayor should be able to change pay for Speed Enforcers and default employment should be still 2 - the other one would have an undercover cruiser, suggested elsewhere. That makes a total of 3 cars for speed enforcement, 2 of which can be used without a mayor.
It would also add something more - people who like playing as a speed enforcer would run for mayor more often because they would want a better cruiser.

I should make another topic with this suggestion, shouldn't I?
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-Support for Fire Engine, first of wall, I dont like it much, and for second, it's not needed
+For some new police cars, mainly for Speed Enforcer, because his car is so slow... You almost have no chance to catch someone, VIP dodge charger goes almost faster then Speed Enforcer's car. :)
Would be really realistic. Maybe police officers do an prostest for newer emergency vehicles.

And this is the oldest thread in the suggestions which has been put in the accepted or denied folder.
Oh, my gawd, this is a Great idea! I love the Fire engine thing..!
Maybe do it with the Cops and ambulances too, also the Monorail could be implemented in (Mayor pays 70$ a day to keep monorail running)
Oh, my gawd, this is a Great idea! I love the Fire engine thing..!
Maybe do it with the Cops and ambulances too, also the Monorail could be implemented in (Mayor pays 70$ a day to keep monorail running)

-support for old fire engines - not needed at all.
+support but I have my own idea for it.

Here's my thoughtful suggestion:
Crown Vic could be a default speed enforcement vehicle and if mayor allows Mercedes-something racing cruiser (the one we have), it would be a second car for speed enforcement. Another thing - mayor should be able to change pay for Speed Enforcers and default employment should be still 2 - the other one would have an undercover cruiser, suggested elsewhere. That makes a total of 3 cars for speed enforcement, 2 of which can be used without a mayor.
It would also add something more - people who like playing as a speed enforcer would run for mayor more often because they would want a better cruiser.

I should make another topic with this suggestion, shouldn't I?

I almost caught Ebola whilst reading this, Crown Victora as the Speed Enforcment car? Are you crazy?
The point of the Speed Enforcement job is to have a fast car to catch other speeding cars, and the Mercedes which is currently used is a lot faster than the default police cars (Crown vic included) for this point; if the thing you suggested was to be added it would make this job pointless.

TL;DR - Your suggestion is pointless.

I don't feel like this would really benefit us at all, I mean the cars which are currently avaliable for the police job are pretty much all the same speed and all of them get used anyway; it's meerly about personal preference of what car you like.
It would not really impact people if you took a car away, or gave them a specific car - If anything it would be annoying.

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