Server Suggestion Medics see the injury type

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Suggestion Title: Medics see the injury type
Suggestion Description: Medics whilst using the first aid kit should see injury type, such as "GSW", "Stab", "Blunt-force", "Fracture" etc.

This is so they can inform officers of the wound they healed, which will also better align the current rule with their role: Paramedics must inform Police Officers if they have treated wounds which have been inflicted as a result of a crime, for example, gunshot wounds.

Why should this be added?:
- Small QoL feature
- Makes medic slightly more interesting
- Could be a pre-update to an actual medic update

What negatives could this have?:
- None

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Medics being able to identify injuries and therefore more roleplay I guess?
Good idea, might be hard to implement, expanding medic roleplay is important and giving people better understanding on what they’re treating means that the part of the rule saying they must inform police about crimes when they treat someone makes this immediately more possible.
Good idea, might be hard to implement, expanding medic roleplay is important and giving people better understanding on what they’re treating means that the part of the rule saying they must inform police about crimes when they treat someone makes this immediately more possible.
Could potentially be introduced with other features that make being a medic more difficult than just point and click, which would probably tone down the significance of combat medics quite a bit.
This would be a really interesting addition, stops people who get shot in the face by their mates for a laugh from claiming "they fell over".
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