Do yall think we should be allowed to have corruption in the server like we should be allowed to bribe the mayor/plpd/EM i think it could work

Should corrpution be allowed

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • No

    Votes: 57 69.5%
  • Yes but make it reasonable and make sure its worth the crime your bribed for

    Votes: 17 20.7%

  • Total voters
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Biettifeld North Rhine-Westphalia
Should we be able to bribe government department/agencies, however the said money should be a reasonable amount for the crime so you should bribe higher for something like murder or taking evidence like firearms. Then you should be allowed to do petty corruption such as bribing officers regarding traffic and 1-5 year offences in which you could pay lower amounts due to said offences being not that dangerous and would be classified more as a tip. I personally think this could make PH more player based where you have more options/ideas and it provides a irl concept to a average problem and personally I dont think it should be a rulebreak more a violation of the respective agencies but id like to learn other perspectives.
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To be fair. I thought of this before.

The only way it could work is if you could be authorised to do it by a higher ranked staff member. But how would this work with Internal PLPD punishments?
To be fair. I thought of this before.

The only way it could work is if you could be authorised to do it by a higher ranked staff member. But how would this work with Internal PLPD punishments?
Well personally i think you can be caught therefore being able to provide a much more realistic view of plpd instead of a white knight view where plpd is limited we should be able to give bribes and i know this might sound much but potentially provide blackmail causing tensions regarding police and criminals. Also for punishment internal you can still get infractions and all sorts of the original PLPD based punishments therefore meaning Internal powers will be much more needed for these things and misconduct rather than staff as RP that could provide genuinely good situations like corruption etc will provide good rp.
I get that from a roleplay perspective it might be interesting to allow some level of corruption, however I think it has to be taken on balance with preservation of gameplay.

If we start allowing it without any checks then it's likely that nearly everyone will start doing it which then starts to break down the other mechanisms that already exist outside of the rules for preventing it. It is also likely that it won't be used to further any roleplay or anything else interesting but rather people will just do it to favour their friends or organisations which - as per the way NLR currently is - shouldn't really be the case, meaning that players who are not well known in the community or aren't in prominent organisations would very likely not benefit at all. In a way this could then potentially fall into the realm of 2.5.

If we were to have staff members perform checks or allow these things to take place it would congest and take away resource from dealing with rule breaks and other much needed administrative routines. There's also the question of where the threshold would be, what the requirements would be, what happens when someone takes it too far, et cetera. Then we would need to completely revisit how Internal Affairs, the Complaint Committee and PD punishments work. As it currently stands it can really hamper your progress in the PD if that is something you're interested in or even prevent you from playing PD at all, so a complete re-work would be needed to fit this in.

As such in the interests of preserving the balance of gameplay I think this is way too much hassle both in terms of its implementation and on-going monitoring for it to be considered good value for what little roleplay incentive or 'interesting' factor it brings.
I get that from a roleplay perspective it might be interesting to allow some level of corruption, however I think it has to be taken on balance with preservation of gameplay.

If we start allowing it without any checks then it's likely that nearly everyone will start doing it which then starts to break down the other mechanisms that already exist outside of the rules for preventing it. It is also likely that it won't be used to further any roleplay or anything else interesting but rather people will just do it to favour their friends or organisations which - as per the way NLR currently is - shouldn't really be the case, meaning that players who are not well known in the community or aren't in prominent organisations would very likely not benefit at all. In a way this could then potentially fall into the realm of 2.5.

If we were to have staff members perform checks or allow these things to take place it would congest and take away resource from dealing with rule breaks and other much needed administrative routines. There's also the question of where the threshold would be, what the requirements would be, what happens when someone takes it too far, et cetera. Then we would need to completely revisit how Internal Affairs, the Complaint Committee and PD punishments work. As it currently stands it can really hamper your progress in the PD if that is something you're interested in or even prevent you from playing PD at all, so a complete re-work would be needed to fit this in.

As such in the interests of preserving the balance of gameplay I think this is way too much hassle both in terms of its implementation and on-going monitoring for it to be considered good value for what little roleplay incentive or 'interesting' factor it brings.
I am happy that you have decided to take your time to write this but im more specifically wanting to have it where people an still be risk to IA we shouldnt need to have staff monitor it this is more needed to be taken care of by the IA and PLPD HR subbranches. FYI when i mean corruption i mean paying and people MUST have a valid reason of money for the suggested money so for example you wont just pay a officer 2k for murder it has to be substantial and a realistic amount for the crime. All corruption should be done by bribery as then it stops orgs from exploiting this by actively just benefiting their mates and actually putting their friends jobs at risk. As corruption shouldnt be just a little thing it should take valuable thought or time into it.

Corruption RP is toxic, and will end up negatively impacting the new player experience
Not to mention its very hard to moderate
What do you mean by toxic i think to say corruption is a thing there has to be stakes and reasons for example you cant just say "I give 2k so beat this man to death with nightsticks" as thats just stupid but it can be executed in better ways.
If you accept bribes for lesser traffic law not witnessed prior by anyone else, such as speeding, and instead you give a remark over a ticket, it's highly unlikely staff will pursue you.
For anything above, or involving other government employees or players, you are griefing and hence should also be punished by staff. Not much to discuss here.
If you accept bribes for lesser traffic law not witnessed prior by anyone else, such as speeding, and instead you give a remark over a ticket, it's highly unlikely staff will pursue you.
For anything above, or involving other government employees or players, you are griefing and hence should also be punished by staff. Not much to discuss here.
tbh ofc staff should help if griefing this is just basic sense
I have been in a community where corruption was allowed within the police force (Arma 3). Ultimately, it just ruins others experience within the server. At first, it was not allowed, then they did a trial, and it turned out to just be very toxic.

While there was some good roleplay situations involving corruption, as the DOJ got involved and stuff, it ultimately, again, just ruins others experience.
Should we be able to bribe government department/agencies, however the said money should be a reasonable amount for the crime so you should bribe higher for something like murder or taking evidence like firearms. Then you should be allowed to do petty corruption such as bribing officers regarding traffic and 1-5 year offences in which you could pay lower amounts due to said offences being not that dangerous and would be classified more as a tip. I personally think this could make PH more player based where you have more options/ideas and it provides a irl concept to a average problem and personally I dont think it should be a rulebreak more a violation of the respective agencies but id like to learn other perspectives.
asda be bribing asda cops
The amount of uncontrolled corruption already happens, very little does it happen but it has. I've taken bribes as mayor to influence taxes and create propaganda against the PLPD in the past. It's definitely something that occurs even if it's not allowed and sometimes makes for some fun RP situations in my experience. I don't think making it alright is a good idea on paper tho, cuz if everyone could do it, it wouldn't be special when people do it anyways in creative ways
The amount of uncontrolled corruption already happens, very little does it happen but it has. I've taken bribes as mayor to influence taxes and create propaganda against the PLPD in the past. It's definitely something that occurs even if it's not allowed and sometimes makes for some fun RP situations in my experience. I don't think making it alright is a good idea on paper tho, cuz if everyone could do it, it wouldn't be special when people do it anyways in creative ways
Technically it is not against any laws to accept a bribe, only to offer one to Emergency Staff.

So therefore not rule 4.1.. technically.
If you accept bribes for lesser traffic law not witnessed prior by anyone else, such as speeding, and instead you give a remark over a ticket, it's highly unlikely staff will pursue you.
For anything above, or involving other government employees or players, you are griefing and hence should also be punished by staff. Not much to discuss here.
“Are you trying to bribe a government employee? Sir may you please step out your vehicle I’m going to have to arrest you for that!” :nerdemoji:
We may allow certain things to slide relating to bribery or letting people off without punishment, but corruption and bribery is lazy and benefits nobody but the criminal.

Essentially, it would end up where most crime would be bribed off. Where do you draw the line? It's not something we want in our gamemode.