Emphasis of player resolved disputes & other issues


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Leeds, England.
Since resigning from my role as Senior Administrator, my eyes have been opened to a clear and evident issue in regards to administration and player-player disputes. Whilst this thread was originally aimed at one point, here is that, and other points I believe to be problem areas which need rapid and effective improvement:
  • Lack of incentive to resolve disputes privately, without the need for a staff members involvement (1)
  • Increasing acceptance and lack of interjection/administration in regards to toxicity & petty player reports. (2)
  • Lack of professionalism, accountability and server activity from staff members (3)

1 - Whilst I do believe that issues can be effectively dealt with by most staff members, I do not believe that this should be the initial step for players effected by somebody elses behaviour. We should not be jumping the gun and warning/banning players willy nilly for small offences, nor should players be jumping the gun and pressing for punishment of a player who has simply made a mistake. I think that all parties involved in a situation should be able to resolve an issue, without the need for administrative interjection. Players currently are not incentivised to resovle issues privately, or ask for compensation from players who have affected them negatively. An example of this could be a player shooting another player without full justification for doing so. The report menu would ask the player if they wish to resolve this privately (which would be quicker, and possibly involve compensation), if they do then a chat will be made between the two parties involved, reports can then be closed by either party involved. This method of administration isn't always applicable, and of course more serious or repeated offences should be dealt with by a staff member, but I think in general it would improve the fluidity of disputes between players & also reduce the expected workload (especially AR's) of staff members.

2 - This is a point which I struggled with whilst being a staff members, now I'm not actually too certain on what could be brought forward by the staff team to combat this, as I do not believe that saying something edgy in the shoutbox should warrant a ban. I do however believe that this constant tit for tat and rivalry between players needs to stop, it's rubbing off on other community members and creates a cesspit in the server & on the forums. Targetting other players simply because they have made a report on you is ridiculous and childish, there is always going to be friction between players involved in some situations, but an reduction in tolerance for this behaviour going too far needs to be enacted. I believe my first point (player to player dispute resolution) could certainly help, but staff team needs an agenda which is set in stone, rather than some staff members allowing certain behaviour to happen and others banning for it. I also believe that this whole 'petty AR' thing that has arose over the past year needs to stop, staff members need to straight up close petty player reports that are clearly conjured up for some sad revenge plot. If you are searching through your demos for a three week old clip of somebody shooting you, simply because they have reported your more recent wrongdoing, then you really need to think about what you are doing & the greater implications of it, please just be the bigger man and walk away. Staff members should interject in clear cases of 'revenge' or toxcitiy between players, a staff member should resolve this issue before it turns into something ugly and becomes a chain of AR's between two players who 'hate' each other.

3 - Criticism of the activity in staff members is something that spans back to the beginning of time, but it seems that recently Senior Administration are letting this specific issue slip. I understand that most staff members will have a clear and honest reason for being inactive, which should be documented on Slack. However it's important to ensure regular checks are made, and staff members who are consistently inactive on the server or are neglecting other administrative duties should receive a warning. I know full well how lenient SA can be when it comes to activity, it only really hits their radar when a staff member has practically flatlined and their activity is non existant, I believe warnings should be put in place prior to this stage, and reviews should be carried on over a specific period (warnings shouldn't be a one-off). I do believe that some staff members also may feel extremely demotivated. Commendation, respect and acknowledgement for positive and productive behaviour should be given, I believe it was @Creepis who said that being given report counts privately with a message felt more personal, things like this should happen so staff members do not feel like they're doing it all for nothing (@dom).
I also believe there is a clear issue with how staff members conduct themselves throughout the community, some staff members (in the nicest possible way) act like immature children. I know that this is a gaming community, but how on earth can members of this community be expected to respect and follow the rules, when the very people enforcing these rules have zero resemblance of a professional staff member and more of a edgy pre-teen on 4chan. I propose a three strike system across multiple categories, if a staff members gets three strikes in any one of these categories then they should be stripped of their role and responsibilitie. One of these categories being activity, another being general conduct and a third one possibly for quality of administration. Regular and consistent checks should be made to ensure that staff members are in peak form, it's vital that staff members are kept on form and don't turn into decaying artifacts of a time far gone.

TLDR: Resolve player reports between players, stop petty AR's & toxic behaviour, improve quality of staff members & their activity, give the staff members trying their best some recongintion.

Thank you for reading my wall of text, if you have any opinions on anything I have said then please do respond below.
80% of staff are so inactive, I literally have no idea why they are still around, SA's need to man up honestly
I have to agree with Inchs, there are so many staff members that I never see on and I really mean never.
@Tom (has seen once)
@Mango ( saw him on for like 20 seconds )
now this might have to do with my recent comeback and inactivity, however I'm sick of having staff members that are not active enough.

And I have to voice my opinion about the current response time on reports, I remember playing one night making about 3-4 reports where it from 30 minutes to over an hour to get a response on them, many might argue that they are afk and/or actively roleplaying, however I believe as a staff member you should put your soul into doing reports on the server, I remember when I was a staff member myself I did reports at the same time as I was roleplaying, they barely take any effort nor time so you don't really lose any active roleplaying time.
to be fair a good majority of the people u listed are pretty to very active
To respond to your point about report response time though, I agree entirely. I’ve been on tonight and for the majority of the time was the only one on, reports had been there for ages before I’d come on. Tried to get through them all quickly, then @Super_ came on and helped which was great. When I came on, there was 12 open reports and the majority required investigation and sits.
I’ve currently been doing other things for the community hence why you haven’t seen me on the Server a lot
In the past week, there have been many occasions where staff have been on and I've had to wait 2-3 hours for a response on my report, even today Tom was on his own dealing with all the reports when there were 4 staff on earlier and I had a report open for about 2 hours.