Csgo Or valorant

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Now I have been playing csgo for a little over 3 and a half years and would like to start an enjoyable shooting game. So I would like your opinion on valorant Is it worth it. And start over or not?
And then I also wanted to hear what you like best Csgo Or valorant

sggg.jpg CSGO or valorant
both are fun
valorant it's imprtant you're aware of other characters abilities and how to circumvent them

csgo it's important to be able to aim or something
Cant have fun playing bo6, 1 lobby you get some kills and have some fun, next lobby you get smacked like you've never touched a game before.
Because you're playing cod for the multiplayer, that's probably why you think the game sucks
I'd say play both and get a feel for what you enjoy more,
CS in my experience is often more fast paced with a bit less precise gunplay, you have to maintain a ton of knowledge of stuff like flash and smoke locations etc
Valorant is a bit more slow pace, you don't often rush sites due to util and while sure the characters have abilities that are useful the gunplay is still more important, which is more precise then CS and you rarely ever find yourself spraying
personally i get bored playing either rather quickly but i always can spend hours playing a VR Shooter like Pavlov Search & Destroy or Onward Uplink