How do you feel about bollards.

How do you feel about bollards.

  • Every one is good and well placed

  • Some can be removed but some should be kept

  • Remove them all

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Reaction score
Yellow barriers around the map, like the yellow metal post behind slums.

Examples that I personally disagree with:




A video example of how even one of these changes can make for more fun and chaotic chases is this:
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This is addressed in v6, no extra changes, unless game breaking fixes on the map need to be made, will be made.
Are you that impatient?
Most ones I can think of restrict vehicle access to high foot traffic areas, which prevents some sweater who just bought his Mini Cooper for $1,000 to drive head on into a crowd of 9 people. Can't really think of any route that I'd take in a pursuit that I can't because of a big yellow dildo
whats the fucking difference bro
do you see a bollard and shake your fist in the air cus u cant run over everyone in bazaar
good question, bazaar bollards are the best counter-argument for the middle-ground vote "Some are good."

Other bollards however are inexcusable...

1)Let's say your chop shop starts at harbor lane pub, by projex. or slums, if your only escape route is one way. And cops are 3 seconds away cause pd is by slums or it takes ages to exit cause harbor lane is such a long road, then it's boring when they just deploy spikes on the one way you can get out.

2)Ongoing chases are very monotonous and boring because people's creativity is heavily restricted. You can't be tricky and creative because every alley or walk way has a damn bollard.

Some examples are:
-Stairs behind slums
- Entering city park from bank parking
- going onto the grass patch beside regals from the parking or other way from church onto parking.
- driving up/down the stairs by hungregies

and probably more.
good question, bazaar bollards are the best counter-argument for the middle-ground vote "Some are good."

Other bollards however are inexcusable...

1)Let's say your chop shop starts at harbor lane pub, by projex. or slums, if your only escape route is one way. And cops are 3 seconds away cause pd is by slums or it takes ages to exit cause harbor lane is such a long road, then it's boring when they just deploy spikes on the one way you can get out.

2)Ongoing chases are very monotonous and boring because people's creativity is heavily restricted. You can't be tricky and creative because every alley or walk way has a damn bollard.

Some examples are:
-Stairs behind slums
- Entering city park from bank parking
- going onto the grass patch beside regals from the parking or other way from church onto parking.
- driving up/down the stairs by hungregies

and probably more.
ur just making suggestions for the fun of it
nobody find this an issue except you its not worth the dev time
ur just making suggestions for the fun of it
nobody find this an issue except you its not worth the dev time
incase you can't count. 7 voted against, while 4 agreed/somewhat agree. That's about half of people seeing my point. Furthermore, removing something from the map barely qualifies as "dev time."
good question, bazaar bollards are the best counter-argument for the middle-ground vote "Some are good."

Other bollards however are inexcusable...

1)Let's say your chop shop starts at harbor lane pub, by projex. or slums, if your only escape route is one way. And cops are 3 seconds away cause pd is by slums or it takes ages to exit cause harbor lane is such a long road, then it's boring when they just deploy spikes on the one way you can get out.

2)Ongoing chases are very monotonous and boring because people's creativity is heavily restricted. You can't be tricky and creative because every alley or walk way has a damn bollard.

Some examples are:
-Stairs behind slums
- Entering city park from bank parking
- going onto the grass patch beside regals from the parking or other way from church onto parking.
- driving up/down the stairs by hungregies

and probably more.
Honestly I doubt simply removing some bollards would make chases better. The fact is that the map is pretty small and it is always gonna be pretty easy for the PD to direct you in to a dead end.
Honestly I doubt simply removing some bollards would make chases better. The fact is that the map is pretty small and it is always gonna be pretty easy for the PD to direct you in to a dead end.
I do agree the map is pretty small and it does often direct to dead ends. That said, I just added photos and a video to demonstrate my point about how this would help against those issues.
I do agree the map is pretty small and it does often direct to dead ends. That said, I just added photos and a video to demonstrate my point about how this would help against those issues.
I think the issue is that these pathways are blocked for the obvious reason that they commonly see a lot of foot traffic. If you removed the bollards you would see a lot of people die to someone in a police chase trying to "creatively evade". At the end of the day I think the negative effect on people trying to use those street/alleys for foot traffic outweighs the positive effect for people wanting to evade the cops.

The one I agree with here is park. The park does not see a lot of foot traffic or use at all so I don't see why not to remove those bollards.
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I think the issue is that these pathways are blocked for the obvious reason that they commonly see a lot of foot traffic. If you removed the bollards you would see a lot of people die to someone in a police chase trying to "creatively evade". At the end of the day I think the negative effect on people trying to use those street/alleys for foot traffic than outweighs the positive effect for people wanting to evade the cops.

The one I agree with here is park. The park does not see a lot of foot traffic or use at all so I don't see why not to remove those bollards.
1) Drivers wanting to evade cops who are aware of these maneuvers to begin with are most likely experienced, making it less likely they would injure bystanders.
2) Drivers are completely responsible for executing each maneuver with complete care and awareness
3) Assuming accidents happen, and they will happen regardless in any reckless driving case, that is ok because it can be roleplayed.
4) Most of these spots, if not all, require very careful and slow driving making it extremely easy to spot pedestrians without causing injury.
5) If injury were to occur, the suspect would be shot down by police while the victim; who is extremely unlikely to be unconscious given the slow speed required during the commission of most of these maneuvers; would have a good pulse just like we already do with reckless driving cases.

The only place I can really honestly say I see accidents happening at if this were added at any considerable amount is regals entrance, so very fair point there.


1)Slums stairs
2) hungregies stairs
3) and even city park we agreed

they get very low foot traffic; if any.
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1) Drivers wanting to evade cops who are aware of these maneuvers to begin with are most likely experienced, making it less likely they would injure bystanders.
2) Drivers are completely responsible for executing each maneuver with complete care and awareness
3) Assuming accidents happen, and they will happen regardless in any reckless driving case, that is ok because it can be roleplayed.
4) Most of these spots, if not all, require very careful and slow driving making it extremely easy to spot pedestrians without causing injury.
5) If injury were to occur, the suspect would be shot down by police while the victim; who is extremely unlikely to be unconscious given the slow speed required during the commission of most of these maneuvers; would have a good pulse just like we already do with reckless driving cases.

I understand the reasoning behind the first point but it also just conjecture. Maybe if the bollards were removed in these areas any new player would try driving here? I mean whats to stop them? To your point that accidents already happen in reckless driving cases I'll say that it really is besides my point. The whole reason for the bollards is to make these areas safe from reckless driving in the first place. I mean following your logic that "reckless driving happens regardless", should we remove the bollards at Bazaar too? The reason for the bollards is to provide safe areas for foot traffickers where it is reasonable for them to have it regardless of any reckless driving in the area. Also how does the person that is hit by your car get a chance to roleplay here? They just get splattered and black screened because they were trying to enter their slums property, very immersive and stimulating RP.

I will give that maybe hungries schwein isn't used a lot and sure maybe the slums stairs themselves aren't either but by removing the bollards you're not just increasing traffic on the stairs themselves but also in the area surronding them. More people are gonna be driving through the slums parking lot, which is a heavily trafficked area, at higher speeds.
I never contested that bazaar bollards are necessary or good, if anything I made statements multiple times that indicate that I agree those bollards are good.

But in terms of slums for example; I don’t believe Being run over will result in death in most cases.

I must reiterate, the speed at which the maneuvers are possible requires precision and careful driving that is slow enough to not only give plenty of time to react for both pedestrians as well as drivers but also making sure drivers are nowhere near fast enough that they can down someone.

Furthermore, please correct me if I’m wrong, but iirc it’s impossible to insta black screen someone when running them over at any speed? I thought they always just get downed with good pulse?

I get you’re being sarcastic while implying that it’s not bringing rp to the locations we disagree on, but we both know if you had good pulse and got revived, you’re seeking revenge; That IS roleplay.
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I must reiterate, the speed at which the maneuvers are possible requires precision and careful driving that is slow enough to not only give plenty of time to react for both pedestrians as well as drivers but also making sure drivers are nowhere near fast enough that they can down someone.
I don’t agree with your opinion that this is how it would go down most of the time.
I get you’re being sarcastic while implying that it’s not bringing rp to the locations we disagree on, but we both know if you had good pulse and got revived, you’re seeking revenge; That IS roleplay.
Sure that can be roleplay. Pretty big interference to what they were doing before that because you decided to evade the police on a parking lot.

We simply don’t agree it seems and I’m not bothered enough about this to keep replying anymore.(i am also permabanned so it won’t affect me :dead::dead::banghead:)
I don’t agree with your opinion that this is how it would go down most of the time.

Sure that can be roleplay. Pretty big interference to what they were doing before that because you decided to evade the police on a parking lot.

We simply don’t agree it seems and I’m not bothered enough about this to keep replying anymore.(i am also permabanned so it won’t affect me :dead::dead::banghead:)
Yea that’s fine if we disagree and I hope you get unbanned. Would be great to say you wreak havoc with your boys again on V6 lol.