Action Request (HarleyOnTop)

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Reaction score
your mom
Your Steam Name: DanielRabbit
Your Roleplay Name: Ava James
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171921643

Player's Steam Name: HarleyOnTop
Player's Roleplay Name: Mordecai Rigby
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:460343458

Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 I was heading towards bazaar when an officer on the road was ran over by me on accident. I continued and parked. I was going to the ATM getting money to get myself a super duper looking gun. It was till then I was shot randomly.

When I saw him he later claimed that he shot me because I punched him whilst dying 2x. One due to a raid. One due to an RDMer

Evidence Link:
@DanielRabbit Can you provide me with a longer clip showing what happened before you getting killed? Have you interacted with any other player that might have been affiliated to HarleyOnTop negatively (in instance by punching them)?
@DanielRabbit Can you provide me with a longer clip showing what happened before you getting killed? Have you interacted with any other player that might have been affiliated to HarleyOnTop negatively (in instance by punching them)?
I cannot provide a clip however I will explain it to the best of my memory.

So I was at PD Public Parking lot Jquan and Harley was being cuffed and police was there investigating a situation where they were fighting.
I proceeded to say to " Let me show you a quick demo of what happened " And proceeded to hit harley about 2-5 times not causing serious damage towards him.

In the Perpheads 2.5 Guidelines says.

On the other hand, there are situations where killing another player is not justifiable, for instance:

  • The player insulted you
  • The player crashed into your car
  • The player punched you a couple times or caused you minor injury
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After reviewing the demo it is apparent that you have respawned, went to bazaar without interacting with anyone and got shot in the back while using an ATM.

@HarleyOnTop will recieve a warning for 2.5 as a result of this action request.

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