Model Suggestion TFU glowstick

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Crota's throne world

Suggestion Title: TFU glowstick
Suggestion Description: So I had a bit of a thought so during a bunch of situations, I feel like officers go blindly into houses constantly and they go into the same houses and find that there's nothing there and you tell them and they just ignore you and honestly its a bit of a pain too be honest, So what if there was a way to mark that you have been in there that won't affect the envorment that much like a barricade will do.

So my idea is defo taken from Ready or Not but just thought it be good hear, All teir of TFU get a glowstick to put into a area, it lasts for 5 mins then disappears, What this glowstick would symbolize is that a property has been cleared and that nothing of not has been in there, or that something is in there to check on later on.

This can mark an area that you have cleared, so you don't go back over the same areas over and over again like i see some cops doing, This can save PD time.

The glowstick takes 2 seconds to equip and takes 3 seconds to snap the tube and place

It could have multiple functions like marking that an area is cleared, marking an area that can be hostile without giving anything away, so a supervisor can deal with it, Marking harder to see things like guns in the forest as they are a little light source.

I made a little model to show it could be done but its if the mods want to go about that route aswell as its kind of a thing that would be limited to a division or a curtain group of officers - (Maybe to balance it out give it to corporal+ maybe I don't know tho)

Why should this be added?:
- Better organization of PD assets
Better use of PD time
Less intrusive and people would be able to see clearly what has been cleared

What negatives could this have?:
- Kind of unnecessary
Dev time and code patience
Could be solved if people just listen to you

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Stop the PD wasting time going into different things that have already been cleared

Useful Images:
Cops could just communicate on Inc radios properly and use good callouts.

Maybe a but optimistic but this is the whole point of incident channels, for useful callouts in raids ect, you can mute main, keep Inc on and use it to your advantage.
No point adding A1Ls toy just to let other officers know a building has been cleared. Officers should use their due diligence and Supervisors should be effectively communicating to other officers and making sure officers are doing what they’re meant to be doing instead of just being a complacent sergeant+ for no reason.
Cops could just communicate on Inc radios properly and use good callouts.

Maybe a but optimistic but this is the whole point of incident channels, for useful callouts in raids ect, you can mute main, keep Inc on and use it to your advantage.
While I think this idea is unnecessary, your comment doesn't make much sense. The point is not to address the root of the problem, the suggestion is pointed toward introducing a physical item to avoid communication being overwhelmed by larger numbers of police where it is supported by a visual solution that complements communication
While I think this idea is unnecessary, your comment doesn't make much sense. The point is not to address the root of the problem, the suggestion is pointed toward introducing a physical item to avoid communication being overwhelmed by larger numbers of police where it is supported by a visual solution that complements communication
If the highest rank on scene is unable to effectively communicate and lead a scene then they shouldn’t be at a supervisory rank since leadership and communication are the fundamental skills of being at a supervisory level so his point does make sense
While I think this idea is unnecessary, your comment doesn't make much sense. The point is not to address the root of the problem, the suggestion is pointed toward introducing a physical item to avoid communication being overwhelmed by larger numbers of police where it is supported by a visual solution that complements communication
And a scene should have someone taking command, ensuring areas are searched, directing Officers where they are needed to search rooms, buildings ect.

My point is the same as Mini's, there shouldn't be a need for a visual indicator when all Officers have radios, clearly not being used to their full potential or there is poor/lack of decent leadership on scenes.
The effectiveness of radios are not always reliable in scenes of chaos, this glowstick is definitely not a solution, as iterated, I don't support the idea, however you've been playing long enough to know the concepts that you are discussing are too ideal to be true for the current perp environment where most of the people have a situation awareness of a toddler even with someone guiding them, was my point, however, this is not the discussion for this thread, so I guess
I actually quite like the idea. Having a dropable glowstick to mark evidence, perimeters, etc. That despawns after about 10 minutes is more useful than you're all led to believe. For example, Imagine how easy it'd be to drop different coloured glowsticks next to downed individuals to mark to the on scene units suspects vs downed on arrival.

Officers could also potentially have utility for such an item existing. Marking traffic collisions and the likes.

Whether or not it'd see real use is different, thats down to you lot. I see this as an example of something that could well be useful for us. We all want the big guns, the explosives, etc. But when it comes down to utility tools for ease of crime scene access, Telling officers what rooms are safe, and generally using a tool in place of unreliable word of mouth communications, users seem to scratch their heads wondering how such a tool would be used. This tool would exist solely for fluid scene control, Nothing else, Which in my books makes it a very good idea.
No point adding A1Ls toy just to let other officers know a building has been cleared. Officers should use their due diligence and Supervisors should be effectively communicating to other officers and making sure officers are doing what they’re meant to be doing instead of just being a complacent sergeant+ for no reason.
Yikes Lmao

Anyway again its just a little thing u know for QoF u know what its like on PD to much yapping not enough thinking, just an idea thats all
I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with the current system, This disincentives players to properly communicate with the radio.

Just call Code 4
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Cops could just communicate on Inc radios properly and use good callouts.
Really non-sensical. These glowsticks exist in way more tactical games like Ready Or Not (like Tyrone already stated) where active communication is even more key to success. Not only do they exist, they are actively used because they just make things a lot easier on hectic incidents.

Imagine arriving as back-up to a scene and haven't been in the loop of things. You enter, for example, Subs 2 and aren't up to date on which room's been cleared yet, who's defender/raider etc. Having a glowstick, or 2-3 different colours, could just give you a quick overview of what's going on and what needs to be done, without having to get one semi-competent person to give you a sit-rep.
whilst not completely essential, this has the potential to really speed up the process for PD, information on the radio can easily be missed and these glowsticks would be great to help manage situations, would definitely support this addition
Really non-sensical. These glowsticks exist in way more tactical games like Ready Or Not (like Tyrone already stated) where active communication is even more key to success. Not only do they exist, they are actively used because they just make things a lot easier on hectic incidents.

Imagine arriving as back-up to a scene and haven't been in the loop of things. You enter, for example, Subs 2 and aren't up to date on which room's been cleared yet, who's defender/raider etc. Having a glowstick, or 2-3 different colours, could just give you a quick overview of what's going on and what needs to be done, without having to get one semi-competent person to give you a sit-rep.
This logic backfires considering the fact that it is not a tactical game. Of course some aspects will be incorporated but obviously not everything will contribute.

If you arrive on scene and are seeing EMS, People in cuffs etc you can almost always assume everything is over. I actually doubt TFU would use these at all… it will be like the number markers all police have.

Overall I like the idea but am not supporting due to one reason and that is: MORE CLUTTER
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This logic backfires considering the fact that it is not a tactical game. Of course some aspects will be incorporated but obviously not everything will contribute.

If you arrive on scene and are seeing EMS, People in cuffs etc you can almost always assume everything is over. I actually doubt TFU would use these at all… it will be like the number markers all police have.

Overall I like the idea but am not supporting due to one reason and that is: MORE CLUTTER

ITS LEGIT IN THE NAME, again its a suggestion, Its RP on a real life scenarios just because its not a tactical game don't mean anything
View attachment 25014

ITS LEGIT IN THE NAME, again its a suggestion, Its RP on a real life scenarios just because its not a tactical game don't mean anything
It doesn’t seem to me that just because it’s in the name that it requires this addition. The name is just what the department imitates in a RP sense, you could follow this logic for lots of additions for lots of roles… it would just clutter up inventory and visual space. Overall the jobs in game are meant to be slightly diluted to compensate for an actual fun experience while still maintaining an accurate and realistic imitation of the real life experience.

Im not strongly against the addition I just think it’s unnecessary and probably won’t be used as intended.
This item and a variety of colors could be used in multiple useful scenarios. Not only like suggested for stating rooms/houses cleared. This can be something used for traffic control in case of accidents, or abandonded vehicles as a light and another visual cue to go with cones. You also have a use towards directing medics, you can drop say a green glowstick and say over comms "medic two unconcious suspects next to the GREEN glowstick" while using red glowsticks to signal maybe dead bodies, blue glowsticks for a clear house. This would be eliminating valuable time wasted searching for bodies upon medic arrival as im sure we've all been apart of. While maybe not the most practical in apartments, this could have a lot of use in areas like the Forest, or the business side of the map where things are more open.
This item and a variety of colors could be used in multiple useful scenarios. Not only like suggested for stating rooms/houses cleared. This can be something used for traffic control in case of accidents, or abandonded vehicles as a light and another visual cue to go with cones. You also have a use towards directing medics, you can drop say a green glowstick and say over comms "medic two unconcious suspects next to the GREEN glowstick" while using red glowsticks to signal maybe dead bodies, blue glowsticks for a clear house. This would be eliminating valuable time wasted searching for bodies upon medic arrival as im sure we've all been apart of. While maybe not the most practical in apartments, this could have a lot of use in areas like the Forest, or the business side of the map where things are more open.
I actually do really like this variation of the idea

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