Action Request (Dogman)

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Reaction score
Faroe Islands
Your Steam Name: maeen
Your Roleplay Name: Jaxon Pierce
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39651776

Player's Steam Name: Dogman
Player's Roleplay Name: Liam Curry
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:634799636

Why should this player be punished?: User should be punished for 3.4 Failure to comply with commands given whilst under direct gunpoint by two officers.

Evidence Link:
in that clip u can see me surrender i had a gun on my back because i was about to store it when 7 people walked into slums i walked out and told u people were trying to raid my property in slums 2 which u disregarded decided to focus on me and i did put my hands up so i did comply i was just telling you what happened and by what i can see in the clip there was no second officer
and another thing why are you reporting this now this was 2 weeks ago at least maybe longer
This happened two days ago, and there was also other officers on scene.

I focused on you as you were on teamspeak, acting like a flanker.

@liam curry Can you explain why you were at Slums in the first place?

If you knew there was a raid, then why would you sit outside of the building with a gun on your back knowing PD would show up?
at the time i owned slums 2 as went to go out and raid i saw about 7 people walk up slums and start crowbarring slums 2 i run into the street away from them saw a pd and ran over to him i was telling him people were raiding my apartment at slums 2 and the officer was telling me to put my hands up after around the third time of him telling me i did but that was when one of the raiders from slums 2 ran out and shot the officer and me i survived it went to store my gun in my friends car who was parked in city hall when i saw a tfu gave him the info and went on my day

i wasn't sitting outside i was on the move trying to get away when i saw the pd i had managed to get out when i had seen the pd so i waited while checking my surroundings
i run into the street away from them saw a pd and ran over to him i was telling him people were raiding my apartment at slums 2

How could this have benefited you? Why would you run to an active shootout with a gun on your back just to tell someone you're the one being raided?
wdym how could this benefit me im being raided i saw a pd so i told him what was happening and at the time there was no shots the first shots of them raid was that pd who was with me
The clip clearly shows that you stood outside the door of Slums. By your admission, there was apparently only this one officer. So how come you weren't already speaking to this officer when you supposedly ran to the building to speak to this officer in the first place?
This happened two days ago, and there was also other officers on scene.

I focused on you as you were on teamspeak, acting like a flanker.
btw fella ive been banned for 3 days so i couldn't have been on 2 days ago
and if i was acting like a flanker i would be hidden with a gun you wouldn't see not a short range shotgun
The clip clearly shows that you stood outside the door of Slums. By your admission, there was apparently only this one officer. So how come you weren't already speaking to this officer when you supposedly ran to the building to speak to this officer in the first place?
i wanted to but he was in a bad spot where they could have seen us intently so unless you really wanted me to break 3.4 by standing somewhere in the open while there is a raid on going to speak to him the safer option would be to stand somewhere on the pavement and out of site from the people in slums raiding that's why we were to the right and not sat on the door they would have to fully run out to be able to see us
that's why we were to the right and not sat on the door
The clip clearly shows you were stood outside of the door until the officer showed up. This implies you were here before the officer was. If I were to request the demo of the officer, and it shows that you were here before the officer, then you were lying to me earlier by saying "i run into the street away from them saw a pd and ran over to him i was telling him people were raiding my apartment at slums 2".

Were you or were you not outside of Slums (NOT ACROSS THE STREET) prior to this officer arriving?
The clip clearly shows you were stood outside of the door until the officer showed up. This implies you were here before the officer was. If I were to request the demo of the officer, and it shows that you were here before the officer, then you were lying to me earlier by saying "i run into the street away from them saw a pd and ran over to him i was telling him people were raiding my apartment at slums 2".

Were you or were you not outside of Slums (NOT ACROSS THE STREET) prior to this officer arriving?
btw there wouldn't be a demo because this happened a while ago like a while
@maeen I've requested your demo. Please accept the prompt by joining the PERPHeads server and clicking on the Accept button when the prompt appears. If you are unable to join, send the demo in this thread.

perpheads_demo_2025-2-11 21-27-36.dem
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