Action Request (carson, jayjoe5648, idk)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: 6tens
Your Roleplay Name: Robbie Vlasman
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:637625139

Player's Steam Name: carson, jayjoe5648, GrantyBoii
Player's Roleplay Name: carson harson, daniel Marson, granty boi
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:746019221, STEAM_0:1:204815587, STEAM_0:1:70819738

Why should this player be punished?: I had just left my slums apartment and these 3 guys just came up to me, the one in the front decided to point a gun at me for no reason which led to his death and the other two guys had also tried to kill me after I shot their friend.

Evidence Link:
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We had been given information from our org member that someone shot and killed loads of our org at baz(one survived). He gave us two names and told us what they looked like and so we went looking for them
We had been given information from our org member that someone shot and killed loads of our org at baz(one survived). He gave us two names and told us what they looked like and so we went looking for them
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I called KOS on these people because i was the only one they left alive. And as i witness the mass killing of my org members that's more than enough to kos him.

The players reported did not break any rules, they had a valid reason to kill you.


@Zirky will be warned for 1.1. Stop being disrespectful in LOOC, this is your last warning for this. Just F6 and don't speak in OOC.

@6tens will be warned for breaking 3.4 as he pulled a weapon out under gunpoint.

Reviewed with @Oddy
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