Peace out homies

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Well then,

I have ONCE AGAIN been permabanned for some utter bull that has happened way in the past, therefore I will no longer be playing PERPHeads, will no longer be active on the forums, will not be making a ban appeal and will no longer friends with the people who reported me. Well, people who I once thought were my friends @MrAaron.

Aaron manipulated me into having casual conversations with him about things which have happened in the past, turns out he was doing it all to grab a little information out of me to report to the staff team alongside a little screenshot.

The fact that I have been banned over something that happened quite in the past despite having tried my best to change in recent times leads me to believe that there is not a single drop of sympathy in this community.

I have made my absolute best to change things around here, I have not received a warning since February and have not been banned for well over a month. I have changed my entire appearance in order to make myself fit in with the community, make myself not so hated due to annoyance and general rule breaking, which I thought was going quite successfully.

Although I do have a lot of people who may not particularly not like me for whatever reason, there is not a single person (besides Aaron) who I dislike in this community. There are select few people who have made my days wonderful and a few who have made it dreadful but there are a few who deserve my up most thanks.

Special thanks to:
  • @Agent Green - you are pretty much one of the only people who I actually respect in this community and one of the people who I will be trying my best to stay friends with from now.
  • @Daymon - the greatest staff member in the ENTIRE community, you have helped me in so many situations, keep up the great work and continue making the server clean of rulebreakers.
That's pretty much that.

No thanks to:

  • @MrAaron - the fact that we were friends only a few weeks ago to now, where you gather evidence and report me for something that happened in the past, when I was a bit more of a rulebreaker disgusts me. Although you would make a good staff member, picking out people without bias and reporting them or a great investigator, grabbing information out of people with such ease. You then end the entire thing by removing me from your friendlist. Note yourself, you will never again be trusted by me.
  • @Agent Green - you are pretty much one of the only people who I actually respect in this community and one of the people who I will be trying my best to stay friends with from now.
  • @Daymon - the greatest staff member in the ENTIRE community, you have helped me in so many situations, keep up the great work and continue making the server clean of rulebreakers.

Well aren't you a rude son of a gun?
Damn, really didn't expect this. It's a shame to see you go, Zan. Didn't think much of you till I actually got to meet you, from then I realised you are actually a great person. Good luck in your future, and I will never forget the time we sat in bazaar on a sofa watching Hancock at like, 1am.

Cya mate
Thanks Zan, you've been an amazing member of the community even though this incident happened I believe that you've been an honest member in many times where you admitted to ban evade even though it was stupid as hell.

I would like to wish you the best of luck in the future of your life and you're a smart guy so you will go long with what you got in there!

Breaking rules will get yourself banned (especially growing drugs outside the map), whatever way you look at it, regardless when it was.

Anyway, sad to see that one user has caused you to generalize the whole community as unsympathetic. Goodbye Zan and good luck in what comes!

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You deleted me on steam when I mugged you, plus risking my 2 years to be banned by a person going through my screenshots and asking me why is there a drug plant in the wine cabinet.

Any how I did the right thing and prevented myself being banned for -
2.6 Reporting a Rule-Breaker- If it is believed that another player has broken a rule, the ‘/report’ function should be used to inform an Administrator. If a player(s) is in a role-play situation with another player(s) who has broken a rule, after the ‘/report’ function has been used, the former player(s) should continue the role-play situation as best as to their ability, and within the confines of the rules, until either it has ended and/or an Administrator intervenes.
  • Although you would make a good staff member, picking out people without bias and reporting them or a great investigator, grabbing information out of people with such ease.​
Thanks for the compliment I appreciate it, I really do.

  • end the entire thing by removing me from your friendlist. Note yourself, you will never again be trusted by me.​

You deleted me after I mugged you.

Goodbye Zan good-luck on what you aspire to do in the future. :(
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Hey Zan, sad to see you go. Even though we did not have much in common, you were a good guy in my eyes.

Just a quick question I would like to get answered honest by you: why exploit a bug and use it to your advantage by growing in there? Here is the screenshot in question.
This is getting ridiculous, some of the best of the community are leaving, everyday I am disappointed to hear that people have become either too bored of the server, or are fed up with certain issues and controversies in the community.

It WILL be a slippery slope if this goes on, when Trande left, I was genuinely sad, if someone like Creepis leaves, I will consider leaving myself.

We need to step it up as a community, I'm not sure what we have to do, but we have to do something...
I'm telling you, PuffySanvich was onto something and this is just more evidence that I am storing in a document ready to expose the staff team.

But seriously, you were a nice guy, shame this happened :( Wanna join my permabanned group? We have cookies :D
Come on, you brought this on yourself. Look at your previous ban record and look at what you've done to cause this final ban. I really doubt you'll get unbanned any time soon, especially due to your conduct after receiving the ban.

Shame to see you leave like this, really.
However your conduct, bug exploiting and overall character after breaking the server rules and your attempts to justify your actions has really left your relationship with the community quite sour.

If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
That was a low stride for you @MrAaron but you did grow drugs outside of the map (only us helpers can do that in the administration room) ;)
Best of luck in the future, Zan ;)

Edit: There's 2.6 and then there's betraying people who think you are friends with. It's a rule but it's a bit of a knob move even though it's good it was reported if you get what I mean.
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Sad to see you go, you were changing and become so much better.. I had much respect for you when you were changing appearence. You were a nice guy, which really didn't care about people who hate you. Anyway, you got baited by haters that wanted to be better than you.. Good luck in the future..

:( Goodbye. :(
You’ve always been one of the few people I could trust within this community.

I will force myself to say the word goodbye. But it will be difficult to fill the void created by your absence here. I am really going to miss you. Best of luck! Lets make sure we stay in touch.

Oh, and remember guys – Gossip is spread by wicked people: They stir up trouble and break up friendships…
Saying to suck my nan in LOOC and everything easily shows that Zan wasn't my friend, after deleting me after mugging him and him saying aggressive words to me in LOOC.

you could always say it happened so long ago that punishing him for that joke screenshot would make no sense and that's why you wouldn't have reported him.

It wasn't a joke screenshot and it didn't happen too long ago either it happened on 27th May 2015 at 17:45 - this was 1 month and 20 days ago.

Oh, and remember guys – Gossip is spread by wicked people: They stir up trouble and break up friendships…

I can joke around and I can play about but if someone breaks the rules and I have evidence in a screenshot do you not think I can be punished to for 2.6?

you got baited by haters that wanted to be better than you

I don't need to be better than anyone, I'm my own individual person.

I suggest all people saying I'm a dick and everything else for my evidence of Zan need to read over rule 2.6.

I don't see a point in banning someone permanently after he has changed and hasn't received any warnings since February. - He did this in may (3 months after February)
Aaron can't be trusted to go to the toilet without falling in it. Why would you trust him with a fucking secret, it's 100% your own fault, he is a dirty asslicker. :laughcry:

Anyways, I never knew you had such a bad record to be fair, always thought you were alright. Cya around!
Sad to see you banned again, however you did break the rules again so I'm not the sad.

Good luck with whatever you do next! Bye.
To any friend or friendly person here, feel free to add me on steam http://steamcommunity com/id/zan116 if you would like to play with us sometimes.

I honestly don't care for what some others post anymore. I will still be flying around the gaming industry, this is just one last place I am no longer allowed in.

Best of luck in the future lads.