Resignation from Staff

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So I've been deliberating over the past few weeks if this is what I actually want to do or not. And while I am almost sure that I am gonna regret this soon, I am gonna do it anyway.

I no longer feel that I can keep up with all the stuff I have on me right now. I often do this thing where I decide to take part in lots of projects at once and it leaves be a bit overwhelmed to say the least. Over the past few months, I've not achieved the activity as a staff member that I wish I could have. And I apologise for this low level of activity, especially to the administrators who even had to come to me several times because I simply forgot to put in a notice that I was gonna take a break. This made me realise that if this is how it feels for me, then it is probably time to take a step back.

Therefore, I've decided to resign from my roles as staff. Perhaps some day I will return but for now, I'm gonna be focusing on working out the stuff happening in my life, working with the lovely people in Dispatch and recovering from a few mentally hard weeks.

I hope to catch you around. Much love to the best gmod community that ever existed.
Take care man! You were a really good staff member. You will be missed. I can really recongnize what you mean with taking on a lot of projects...

Hope to see you come back soon.
Jeg kan godt forstå hvor stressende det kan være. Du siger bare til hvis du vil ha' nogen at tale med eller andet. Ellers bare tag den med ro, vi vil til enhver tid velkomme dig tilbage.