Drake Fernesto

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Your Steam/In-game Name: (And my STEAM ID)
Slayerduck / Joe Baggers

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:

Drake Fernesto

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

Unrealistic RP

I was arresting Aaron and Liam when Drake decided to help his friends, I'm unsure if he knew how long they were going in for but instead of trying to save them on a normal way he decided its a good idea to double park in front of the PD, take out an AK-47 in broad daylight in front of the PD (Camera is facing straight towards his car) then proceed to jump down the fence into the PD parking lot (again, in front of a camera) to take me out and rescue his friends. He is completely ignoring the NPC's/Camera's/The fact is broad daylight.

Either way Slayerduck i would've broken into the PD and got them out.
I don't see why you're saying its unrealistic?
I was there to break somebody out, if i were to be seen or not.
Either way Slayerduck i would've broken into the PD and got them out.
I don't see why you're saying its unrealistic?
I was there to break somebody out, if i were to be seen or not.

So you're planning on breaking into a police department, that houses the entire Paralake police force, by yourself, only to come outside to find that your car might've been towed off due to illegal parking, leaving you with no chance to escape? (if you would make it out alive anyway)
So you're planning on breaking into a police department, that houses the entire Paralake police force, by yourself, only to come outside to find that your car might've been towed off due to illegal parking, leaving you with no chance to escape? (if you would make it out alive anyway)

The point is, it's being claimed as ''Unrealistic RP'' and i don't see how it's unrealistic?
there's even a game play mechanic allowing the option to busting friends out.
I would've been seen either way.
How is this unrealistic? There's a ton of shootings what have happened on broad daylight, and what comes to the cameras, if a person wants to kill someone you think he gives a fuck about a surveillance camera? Just my thoughts
After reading this;
You have shown sufficient evidence to support this, followed by other(s).
The rule(s) he broke were; 2.1, 6.3, 3.3, 3.4

What was stated in the comments were:
Either way Slayerduck i would've broken into the PD and got them out.
I don't see why you're saying its unrealistic?
I was there to break somebody out, if i were to be seen or not.

He clearly has broken 3.4 here, in this case on his own as @John Cena! stated.
I am currently;
The point is, it's being claimed as ''Unrealistic RP'' and i don't see how it's unrealistic?
there's even a game play mechanic allowing the option to busting friends out.
I would've been seen either way.

So you're claiming that you by yourself think its realistic to double park in front of the PD, take out an AK in broad daylight and raid the PD? Single man army?
The point is, it's being claimed as ''Unrealistic RP'' and i don't see how it's unrealistic?
there's even a game play mechanic allowing the option to busting friends out.
I would've been seen either way.
How is this unrealistic? There's a ton of shootings what have happened on broad daylight, and what comes to the cameras, if a person wants to kill someone you think he gives a fuck about a surveillance camera? Just my thoughts
How is this unrealistic? There's a ton of shootings what have happened on broad daylight, and what comes to the cameras, if a person wants to kill someone you think he gives a fuck about a surveillance camera? Just my thoughts

So the fact that he just killed a police officer in the parking lot of the police department wouldn't be an issue?
What about all the cops that would be swarming outside to respond to the life-alert? Would you take all of them on by yourself?
So the fact that he just killed a police officer in the parking lot of the police department wouldn't be an issue?
What about all the cops that would be swarming outside to respond to the life-alert? Would you take all of them on by yourself?
Well why didn't the cops come swarming out and shoot him then? :laughcry:

It's still a game, you shouldn't speculate this much, its ridiculous "Oh yeah and then this would have happened etc"
I can understand how you're bugged about how the police force would've responded. but they didn't and In My Opinion, i don't think i should be punished for it.
I thankfully got out of there in one piece.
Well why didn't the cops come swarming out and shoot him then? :laughcry:
You have to bear in mind that you were lucky that there wasn't a full police force on, as there would be in real life. Same way that you can exploit game mechanics to give yourself an advantage: It's not possible IC. It's all about playing realistically.
You have to bear in mind that you were lucky that there wasn't a full police force on, as there would be in real life. Same way that you can exploit game mechanics to give yourself an advantage: It's not possible IC. It's all about playing realistically.
Why would I have to be lucky? I have nothing to do with this situation. Lol.
Well aquaa was his getaway driver as said above so he had an escape. It was supposed to be a quick hit and go so the cops wouldn't be able to respond fast enough even if it was right at the parking lot. He sneaked through the back ignoring the cameras as if he shot them he would have gotten spotted right away. The NPC at the PD would have seen him too little to understand what's going on. He also saw that there was no SWAT around so with an ak he could have killed at least 2-3 more cops that could have been on the PD. In my opinion that was much safer than waiting for them to get jailed and THEN rescue them. He also managed to escape. Unrealistic? Well maybe a little but still it isn't a big breaking of 2.1 for him to recieve a punishment.
yea i dont see how its unrealistic people do it irl if you got nothing to loss.
you really wanna sit here and say not one person has put there life at risk for another, not to mention it was role played as you can see. i can say for a fact you have broken rules before having fun in a rp situation, every one has. It can make it more realistic witch is what every one wants. so the next time your buddy goes to jail and you have nothing left to live your life for i don't wanna see you break him out of jail.
I tried arresting Liam and his getaway driver almost died 3 times before going fuck this the SWAT can escort us. While I tend to be against this if they have a plan that has a good chance of working then it is allowed.

If you wouldn't mind telling me, what were you arresting them for and did Drake know how long they were going in for?
Without the information the AR will be closed.​
You have to bear in mind that you were lucky that there wasn't a full police force on, as there would be in real life. Same way that you can exploit game mechanics to give yourself an advantage: It's not possible IC. It's all about playing realistically.
You have to bear in mind that you were lucky that there wasn't a full police force on, as there would be in real life. Same way that you can exploit game mechanics to give yourself an advantage: It's not possible IC. It's all about playing realistically.

In that case i would've jumped

If you wouldn't mind telling me, what were you arresting them for and did Drake know how long they were going in for?
Without the information the AR will be closed.​
I can clarify that i know Aaron was going in for 8 years for murder in first degree (on a police officer). I did ask this beforehand at the bazaar (Where i caught them entering the back of the police car).
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