Sweatervests with Guns

Should sweatervests have weapons?

  • Yes, how else would they learn

  • No, they are annoying and it should not happen

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Salisbury, Rhodesia
So, recently I have met a lot of sweatervests. That's normal, right? No. There's something different. At least 90% of them had guns, 3 of which tried to mug me. Even today, one RDMd me and I lost my Beretta (but got it back :D). But, whose giving them these weapons? And why are you doing this? That I want to find out. Until then, I don't want any sweatervest with a gun on the server unless they have an understanding on the server rules. They should be at least quizzed on the rules before they get a gun. Do you agree with me?
All players who join the server agree to the rules. If they break them, they get punished. People are allowed to do as they wish, if they want a weapon, who are to stop them. Also, quzzing sweaters? How are you to filter them, keep control, avoid them acquring a weapon, etc.

Some people provide these new players with weapons, nothing to be done about that, their choice. You should really think before posting, which I believe you haven't done.

And you don't want any sweater with a gun without having an understanding of the rules? Hopefully you want them to understand the rules regardless of ruleknowledge? As said previously aswell, to quiz them about rules? Silly and not thought through before written.
Probzbly one of the thousands of sweater vests that turn up at the bazaar to buy a gun not caring anything about it only about the price. I admit one bought a loaded one from me then accidently shot me with it since then I have not sold loaded guns. We were all sweater vests at one point some still are but we must walk our own path. My path was buy the C4 then start a taxi company back in evocity which had about 6 members most active. Since paralake I have changed but I still help sweater vests.
So what your saying is somehow we should 'quiz' them, and what if they fail, you going to not include them, this idea will not work in any way. We want people to feel welcome, its need to be fare for everyone. You cant give one player something and another not. If you believe they broke rules make a AR
Almost same "Skills of Acquiring Dumb Votes" with a guy called "Ryan the Russian Dog"

Do you guys know eachother?
Instead of crying about sweatervests having guns, mugging, raiding and killing people, go make a report when you see it, if not dealt with go make an AR or you know there's always that other alternative which is to go up to them and suggest showing them around, telling them what they should and should not be doing and generally aiding them in the right direction instead of crying about it on the forums and making yourself receive negative ratings. Also why should newer players have less freedom? Only because they are new? Because they don't know the rules? Only because you aren't staff doesn't mean you can't help them or take them to the side and tell them that they shouldn't be doing that and this.
Ur being like donald trump because 1 muslim is a terrorist trump wants a temporary ban on the borders of the usa when he becomes president

Now cause a few sweaters have broken some rules involving guns u want it so they cant have any guns untill they know the rules.

And if they dont have any guns whats the fun in the rp? No gun=No rp as a cop,Not being able to rp as a criminal,...

I know that they make more mistake's then somebody that has played for a few weeks but i mean cmon putting a whitelist on you being able to have guns or not sound ridiculous to me.