Recent content by Chadd Ross

  1. Chadd Ross

    Police Suggestion Paid tickets add to city budget

    I asked a helper and they said no. So as far I’m aware I don’t think so
  2. Chadd Ross

    Police Suggestion Paid tickets add to city budget

    Suggestion Title: Paid tickets add to city budget Suggestion Description: When a citizen pays their fine it will be added onto the city budget Why should this be added?: - just to add some extra realism, usually paid fines IRL go toward the council - adds an extra income stream for the mayor...
  3. Chadd Ross

    Model Suggestion Give Paramedic Supervisors+ an incident command vehicle

    Yes! This is similar to what I had in mind. It would be amazing if they could either cause that effect or “stabilise” unconscious individuals and add another minute or so to their death timer. I was going to make another suggestion post to allow PS+ to use the Medkit to add more pulse time
  4. Chadd Ross

    Model Suggestion Give Paramedic Supervisors+ an incident command vehicle

    Suggestion Title: Give Paramedic Supervisors+ an incident command vehicle Suggestion Description: I would love to see a Mercedes Sprinter or Volkswagen T6 marked as an incident command vehicle. Generally with significant incidents involving multiple serious injuries/casualties a Paramedic...
  5. Chadd Ross

    6 Person PLPD Nade

    PLPD incompetence at its finest
  6. Chadd Ross

    Hey I have to admit something

    - wise words
  7. Chadd Ross

    Im back .. ish

    Id foremostly like to apologize for being a bit of a salty twat and saying the servers dying ... my bad After some consideration, I've decided to come back to the community
  8. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  9. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  10. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  11. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  12. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  13. Chadd Ross

    WAGWAN Applications

    OOC Steam name :Chadd Age :15 IC Name : Chadd Ross Firearms level :45 Cars that you own : porsche cayenne Marksmanship : Fucking potato rifle | 10 Pistol | 16
  14. Chadd Ross

    Share your bad jokes
