Search results

  1. Chadd Ross

    Police Suggestion Paid tickets add to city budget

    I asked a helper and they said no. So as far I’m aware I don’t think so
  2. Chadd Ross

    Police Suggestion Paid tickets add to city budget

    Suggestion Title: Paid tickets add to city budget Suggestion Description: When a citizen pays their fine it will be added onto the city budget Why should this be added?: - just to add some extra realism, usually paid fines IRL go toward the council - adds an extra income stream for the mayor...
  3. Chadd Ross

    Model Suggestion Give Paramedic Supervisors+ an incident command vehicle

    Yes! This is similar to what I had in mind. It would be amazing if they could either cause that effect or “stabilise” unconscious individuals and add another minute or so to their death timer. I was going to make another suggestion post to allow PS+ to use the Medkit to add more pulse time
  4. Chadd Ross

    Model Suggestion Give Paramedic Supervisors+ an incident command vehicle

    Suggestion Title: Give Paramedic Supervisors+ an incident command vehicle Suggestion Description: I would love to see a Mercedes Sprinter or Volkswagen T6 marked as an incident command vehicle. Generally with significant incidents involving multiple serious injuries/casualties a Paramedic...
  5. Chadd Ross

    6 Person PLPD Nade

    PLPD incompetence at its finest
  6. Chadd Ross

    Hey I have to admit something

    - wise words
  7. Chadd Ross

    Im back .. ish

    Id foremostly like to apologize for being a bit of a salty twat and saying the servers dying ... my bad After some consideration, I've decided to come back to the community
  8. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  9. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  10. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  11. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  12. Chadd Ross

    Tis but a shame

  13. Chadd Ross

    WAGWAN Applications

    OOC Steam name :Chadd Age :15 IC Name : Chadd Ross Firearms level :45 Cars that you own : porsche cayenne Marksmanship : Fucking potato rifle | 10 Pistol | 16
  14. Chadd Ross

    Share your bad jokes

  15. Chadd Ross

    Earliest "gaming memory"

    Most of my gaming childhood was playing
  16. Chadd Ross

    Any good FPS games

    I this my personal favourite of 2016 and 2017. Has a great story | Super tense areas of gameplay | Can either stealth or go loud
  17. Chadd Ross

    !!!!!!1 MILL GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

    @Creepis In short
  18. Chadd Ross

    A day in the life of a Tactical Firearms Officer

  19. Chadd Ross

    Giveaway by daddy.

    Name: Chadd Steam_Id:STEAM_0:0:74976299 Social security number(optional):Effort I want: Stelarris Why: I L I K E R T S G A M E S Autism lvl: I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: Yes 0/
  20. Chadd Ross


    Poor man's overwatch
  21. Chadd Ross

    May is a mighty month...

    Plz its all i want
  22. Chadd Ross

    Do you have any work?

    I'm a computer science tutor on the weekends
  23. Chadd Ross

    VR (Rec Room)

    Have you tried VR porn yet ...
  24. Chadd Ross

    !!!!!!1 MILL GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

    I haven't counted and tallied the second quiz yet as I'm doing my GCSE mock exams atm, I will tally the results and make an announcement when my mocks are over in the coming weeks
  25. Chadd Ross

    About fekin time ya sook

    About fekin time ya sook
  26. Chadd Ross
  27. Chadd Ross

    !!!!!!1 MILL GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

    Couple of things... I have now closed the quiz for responses and I've added up the scores and we have 24 winners as they all got the same score of 7 out of 10 :/ so I'm going to have to make a second quiz for them 24 to compete for 1st place Congrats to @cardstarvipe @ShadowJoey @Hayden...