Henk Mar 15, 2018 Ey probationary officer, the long thing you have on your belt is called a baton. The yellow nerf gun is a taser. Hope these tips will be useful!
Ey probationary officer, the long thing you have on your belt is called a baton. The yellow nerf gun is a taser. Hope these tips will be useful!
Draxen Mar 14, 2018 Ey probationary officer, the long thing you have on your belt is called a baton. The yellow nerf gun is a taser. Hope these tips will be useful!
Ey probationary officer, the long thing you have on your belt is called a baton. The yellow nerf gun is a taser. Hope these tips will be useful!
Deleted member 1235 Mar 12, 2018 hello friend, can you help me with my german for my sisters new boyfriend. I said ES LEBE DER NATIONALSOZIALISTISCHE BEWEGUNG! and now we're on the way to Nuremberg for some reason xxx
hello friend, can you help me with my german for my sisters new boyfriend. I said ES LEBE DER NATIONALSOZIALISTISCHE BEWEGUNG! and now we're on the way to Nuremberg for some reason xxx
CodezBlack Feb 8, 2018 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/lWKJ5Ge6dHOqicELSAcTOkfSsqIbrAI8HRIovPdeKf4/https/steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/451866700994656832/D1B5C3CF4A32472A17A3F943D5DA53837044C7D1/?width=860&height=484 Look what I found.
https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/lWKJ5Ge6dHOqicELSAcTOkfSsqIbrAI8HRIovPdeKf4/https/steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/451866700994656832/D1B5C3CF4A32472A17A3F943D5DA53837044C7D1/?width=860&height=484 Look what I found.