Recent content by Death Howl

  1. Death Howl

    Should Perp be displayed in the Darkrp section on the server list?

    You are aware that people do look at unique gamemodes other than the most popular to simply sate their curiosity. I visit unique gamemodes often just to usually see what they are but if the server gets classified as "Just another darkrp" then you think that will help player counts. Perhaps you...
  2. Death Howl

    Here we go again.

    Hey there some of you may know me and be fed up with these but I decided recently to once again return so its I Death Howl back from the grave for the 8th time. I started way back in 2014 when we were still in evocity, earning my first ban by simply parking and not looking if that sweater moved...
  3. Death Howl

    Grinding noise from PC

    That grinding noise is not much of a issue its that your hard drive has not got alot of space so its struggling to read files. When your hard drive gets full it starts trying to use up what is known as system memory. I believe it also has a buffer while accessing files, transfering information...
  4. Death Howl

    [CASINO] Add Blackjack

    Blackjack can be way easier than poker both to win and to lose. Unlike poker blackjack is fast paced and the rules are very simple but space in the casino is scarce now which is a issue because where wiuld it go?
  5. Death Howl

    Still get input lag from vehicles.

    Mostly the only input lag I get is when im lagging and sometimes FPS lag causes it the main problem is the engine because all cars on garrys mod uses the same steering as the jeep which is bad anyway. Im not sure if it can be fixed just try to keep your game stable to try limit the effects.
  6. Death Howl


    If there are assholes ooc why not IC. While I do agree with you police in the UK get alot of abuse anyway however calling someone a squeaker is dependent on their voice not their character. In my opinion disrespect IC is completely fine providing that you react in a realistic manner but OOCly...
  7. Death Howl

    The big poker guide.

    Hey guys with the casino and poker added in the update everyone is there playing but a few have no clue how to play poker.The version of poker we have is called Texas Holdem one of the most popular kinds of poker but what ks is? Poker has several actions and we are going to go over them. Check...
  8. Death Howl

    Issues and general discussion about the poker update.

    Hey guys im making this thread for @Fredy and the devs to find the issues with poker right now and fix them when possible. Just post any issues or bugs here for the devs and also your opinion on the game itself. Poker is a great way to get together with the community and have a laugh its the...
  9. Death Howl

    Cars that you wish were in PERP.

    The good old VW van because why not its legendary and its in TDM.
  10. Death Howl

    Update Log - 15/09/2017

    The devs have made some amazing updates guys and I think you deserve a pat on the back and a bit of a break. To make it different you could possibly add bonuses for winning with lets say a flush or four of a kind. Maybe even a leaderboard for the best hands would probably take awhile before...
  11. Death Howl

    The real reason "perp is dying"

    Back in evocity everyone were brilliant and the rules were so relaxed because we did not need seriously restricted role play. As time went on the community got more and more sensitive to changes that effect the server leading them to get more and more hostile to the point where you can ask if...
  12. Death Howl

    [DEBATE] Is Olsen Banden ruining PERP?

    If they did not start fights just because of one person and turn the whole fucking bazaar into a war zone constantly camping the place just to start more fight I would not have a problem. I think we need to make restrictions on how a whole org gets involved with situations.
  13. Death Howl

    04/09/2017 Update Log

    Thanks for the update, with the new courier job could you be looking into a supply and demand system? Also there is a minor bug with courier where sometimes when you put a npc package in the van the price changes yet it still pays out 10% of the original price.
  14. Death Howl

    03/09/2017 Update Log

    Good to know some parts of the player based economy thread is being put to good use. Thank you for grabbing a defibrillator and reviving this job.
  15. Death Howl

    KOS cops over confiscating a big gun

    I craft weapons and sell them off and if its something hard to get and very expensive I can understand why someone would consider doing this but not misusing the weapon in the first place would help you alot. I would say that you could try save your weapon depending on its price however it does...