04/09/2017 Update Log

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04/09/2017 Update Log

The couch and sofa props ingame can now finally be used to actually sit down:


And as a small bonus, we made the bed work too:


Additionally, all of the broken radio stations were swapped out for working ones, and we also got a few new ones:
  • 86.1 Eurobeat The Meat FM (@Tom Hill)
  • 90.2 Retrowave
  • 98.8 TeaTime FM
  • 105.7 I Love Radio

And adjusted a few things with the new courier job:
  • Courier is not getting paid by the city anymore, instead all of the NPC deliveries were made more frequent and pay out more money
  • The amount of NPC contracts now gets scaled by amount of couriers
  • Players do not require a car to join courier anymore
  • Players can not order food items when they have more than 20 food items already on them
Thanks to:
@John Daymon
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Oh wow I got tagged in Fredys post I'm making it!

But rly another great update, keep them coming although I do think that the ability to lie on beds will make lots of sexrp and rape

Hello it is I, normal sleeping human, please do not ask questions about my totally normal sleeps position, fellow human.
I can already see myself walking into Bazaar and seeing some weird ass shit involving a bed, kidnapped female players and @Slayerduck going on.
Thanks for the update, with the new courier job could you be looking into a supply and demand system?

Also there is a minor bug with courier where sometimes when you put a npc package in the van the price changes yet it still pays out 10% of the original price.
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