Recent content by Gix

  1. I'm one of the first players of PERPHeads.

    No, thats just when the old forum was moved here. As you can see my profile too joined 18 aug same as xq and fredy and they played before me for sure. Edit: Ok, I know nothing.
  2. Ban request on Gix

    I would like to say that I'm a top rp'er in this community. Please take that into account in this ban request.
  3. Ban request on Gix

    Rip in pieces, cya around nerds
  4. Probably my favorite WW2 era plane. Tied up with the Ta-152.

    Probably my favorite WW2 era plane. Tied up with the Ta-152.
  5. New mic

    If you got the cash; buy the blue yeti
  6. League of Legends.

    Anyone else here share my love for league? I started out in 2013, a friend of mine told me about this 'great' game that he had come across. My initial thoughts were not so positive, didn't look like anything I was used to playing. I was mainly playing rpg's like Deus Ex, Fall Out and such...
  7. GREAT NEWS!!!

    Somehow I really doubt you're 24 as your accounts says.
  8. Gix

    Thank you for your kind words, buddy.
  9. Grow Inc.

    Alright, so after some internal discussions with the organization we have decided to remove the 16+ and added mature enough instead. What this means is that if you meet the rest of our requirements you'll be on a small testing period to prove that you are indeed mature enough to be a part of...
  10. Grow Inc. Application

    Normally you would not be accepted, but members of our org has vouched for you leading to your acceptance.
  11. Grow Inc. Application

  12. Grow Inc.

    I've put up an application form for you all.
  13. Grow Inc. Application

    If you met our requirements you can apply in this thread. Follow this format: Steam Name: Ingame Name: Age: Have you been a member of Grow Inc. prior to our relaunch? Other experience: Y'all can add me on steam if you have any questions :)
  14. Grow Inc.

    Grow Inc. is back and recruiting new and old members. What is Grow Inc.? Grow Inc. is an old organization with roots dating back to the earliest of early days on Perpheads. The organization got gradually disbanded due to many of the core players going inactive. Now two core members; my self and...
  15. Asking something about demotings

    It seems very harsh to demote a police officer because the car he thought was wanted wasn't the right one. Even more so to call him an idiot in the description.. :P