Recent content by Jason Kile

  1. Jason Kile

    Jason Kile

    In fairness, if bobo followed /me's and wasn't stalling you wouldn't have even had time, I would've sped off :laughcry: I didn't hear you say anything so I assumed your intention was to kill me. Had I hear, "Hands up" or anything of the sort I would've done so. But if I thing that your...
  2. Jason Kile

    AR on Mango 3.4

    I was part of this, I can confirm we were genuinely trying to steal cars, not bait a shootout. You say that we should wait till no one is looking, but whenever we start everyone stands there watching us. Not much we can do about it. :confused:
  3. Jason Kile


    I had no problem with what was happening tbh, it was a bit of a laugh and it seemed as if every party was enjoying it
  4. Jason Kile


    Well, finally got to it. I am off, I’ve enjoyed my time here and some of the people I have met are great. Others maybe not so much... but I have decided that it’s finally time to throw in the towel. You may see me online a couple last times giving away what I have. Finally a few honourable...
  5. Jason Kile

    1 Mil Giveaway. @John Daymon is a faggot

    Lost all my money at Jack's Casino & am broke af now xD
  6. Jason Kile

    Pretty sure its 700k

    Pretty sure its 700k
  7. Jason Kile

    Worlds greatest inventions

    ^ Worlds greatest inventions xD
  8. Jason Kile

    What a journey

    Good luck Bryon, hope to see you around again at some point.
  9. Jason Kile

    Thank you.

    Thanks a lot for the mention, Happy to help :)
  10. Jason Kile

    Recommendation PLPD section team

    Thanks a lot Alliat, your words are very kind, I am just trying to help out with the PD in whatever way I can, making it a better experience for everyone else. I hope you and the rest of PD do well and achieve what you hope to achieve.
  11. Jason Kile

    PH Utility

    Getting this error trying to load it
  12. Jason Kile


    I was already trying to close the door as you came where running down the stairs, I was constantly trying to close it because was body blocking the door, if he wasn't doing that the door wouldn't even be open...
  13. Jason Kile

    Solo campaign games for £15

    L.A. Noire is a great game, however it is 19.99, if you can spend that much Or buy it here
  14. Jason Kile

    I can think of worse

    I can think of worse