Recent content by jay_

  1. jay_


  2. jay_

    very important poll

    we don't listen to polls in this community
  3. jay_

    you're lucky i don't post much anymore

    you're lucky i don't post much anymore
  4. jay_


    Strongest norwegian
  5. jay_

    Queen Elizabeth II

  6. jay_

    Someone who knows Source fuckery explain this pls

    you're looking away from the sun
  7. jay_

    An odd return

    very unpog
  8. jay_

    i've changed

    i've changed
  9. jay_


    you've changed
  10. jay_

    L4D2 Versus + Free Weeekend

    you also get a pan
  11. jay_

    it is now, today is now your birthday

    it is now, today is now your birthday
  12. jay_

    happy birthday dude

    happy birthday dude
  13. jay_

    Weekly Arma 3 events

    You failed to use the fast rope somehow
  14. jay_

    Weekly Arma 3 events

    Very serious
  15. jay_

    makes it look even better

    makes it look even better