Recent content by MachineGunO

  1. MachineGunO

    perp clips 3

    This is what I love to see
  2. MachineGunO

    PERPHeads Shooting Tier List (A very BTec Version Of One)

    Tbh you got aim Creepis but you just gotta take it a bit slower at times for example u in a good spot and run they like headless chickens, just take your time and connect those hs :D
  3. MachineGunO

    PERPHeads Shooting Tier List (A very BTec Version Of One)

    U might take it back now but I don't care about some trash rating me lol
  4. MachineGunO

    perp clips

    Why tf am I the dumb chink huh
  5. MachineGunO


    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @SpaceShots How long were you banned for: 3 months! Your Steam Name: MachineGunO Your In-game Name: Martino Bambino Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:75386219 Why were you banned/blacklisted: 2.1, 3.4, 3.20, 4.1 - User decided to...
  6. MachineGunO

    MachineGunO @Spaceshots

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @SpaceShots How long were you banned for: 3 months! Your Steam Name: MachineGunO Your In-game Name: Martino Bambino (Forgot?) Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:75386219 Why were you banned/blacklisted: 2.1, 3.4, 3.20, 4.1 - User...
  7. MachineGunO

    Another CS Montage - Puggerheads

    Adrish ngl, the improvement since last time Ive played csgo with you is BEAUTIFUL aaaaand stick to Csgo, u suck at Valorant
  8. MachineGunO

    CS:GO Highlights, 6mo before unban

    1:53 When 1deag hits on beat, that shit put a smile on my face
  9. MachineGunO

    CS:GO Guides and Advice

    You just suck thats it
  10. MachineGunO

    Boobs or ass

    @Sossa your mom is dead stfu
  11. MachineGunO

    Boobs or ass

    Just as your name
  12. MachineGunO

    Boobs or ass

    I like hairy ballsack
  13. MachineGunO


    Ya fellow toxic cunt, U look cute Ricegum @Shokron
  14. MachineGunO

    AR on whomever

    The time that has passed after he failed getting in the car somebody could have easily ran towards the building and hide right below you guys. Him standing there makes it a little suspicious yes, but not enough reason for u shooting him. So many different ways that could have been done instead...