Recent content by MalekIsWeird

  1. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Fishing mission

    Suggestion Title: Fishing mission Suggestion Description: Tutorial on how to fish. Why should this be added?: - teach people fishing is a feature - help new players learn - make for a new way to make a variety of rp - incentivize people to try out fishing What negatives could this have...
  2. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Organization Leveling Rework

    might as well be :laughcry:
  3. MalekIsWeird

    PLPD Online Suggestion Add an option to deal with car bombs

    I just think it’s silly that cops aren’t expected to have RNG here or any risk of failing the defuse process. The easy answer is a mini game yeah but the obvious counter argument is the innocent casualties. Benji’s idea of detaching the bomb itself into a placed item seems ideal as that allows...
  4. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Organization Leveling Rework

    the point of saying the xp gain is tremendously upped means that it WONT be nearly as much of a grind as it was. Each wipe it will be far easier to rank up levels with balancing to the frequency of wipe so that there’s still some grind to go through. The wipe could be once a year, once a half...
  5. MalekIsWeird

    Server Suggestion Organization Leveling Rework

    Suggestion Title: Organization Leveling Rework Suggestion Description: Boost the XP gain tremendously for organizations However Make the leaderboard reset once a while also reset the levels of organizations. Like a tarkov wipe, people will find joy in the game by competing to level up first...
  6. MalekIsWeird

    The easiest & fastest way to get 1 million perp cash

    Power grow. If you want semi-passive income Grow cocaine while drying it in advanced planters with premium. If you want active income to min-max your money, Cook meth with ephedrine for crystal pure quality while growing cocaine then dry the leaves later.
  7. MalekIsWeird

    PERPHEADS | 1v21 WHO WINS? Check it out! :)

    Final boss of holding angles.
  8. MalekIsWeird


    the word was Planet :laughcry:
  9. MalekIsWeird

    How to avoid loot fear

    I didn't say the price ;)
  10. MalekIsWeird


    James Bodwin / @Bertie is a great roleplayer and I vote for him to get a award for his excellent roleplay skills. Yesterday, we had a consensual roleplay where I offered to have a one on one Jig Saw style game with him immersing ourselves as the characters of a victim and psychotic killer. Him...
  11. MalekIsWeird

    How to avoid loot fear

    +1 this. I'm contemplating gatekeeping this but she deserves the business LOL. @MaeBell, she's a very cool person and great at crafting. I ordered 200 boxes of ammo and 30 zipties recently; She got it done in a couple days quick time as my first order ever from her then she let me know on...
  12. MalekIsWeird

    How to avoid loot fear

    i play PVE but I can definitely agree Tarkov has made me way less fearful of losing my gear
  13. MalekIsWeird

    How to avoid loot fear

    Play cop until you have 1 million if you're that scared or power grow until then. Then think about how many raids you can afford with your preferred kit. Just to throw up a number let's say a raid costs 20k for the gun and crowbars, you can afford to lose 50 raids without a lick of profit before...
  14. MalekIsWeird

    Event Suggestion PVP training camp

    not really. If you want to roleplay and everyone involved at the time consents, there is no 3.4 or 2.5. I've done cowboy roleplay and had wild western duels in bazaar. as long as he doesn't allow medics to be in the area when the shooting happens, no 3.4
  15. MalekIsWeird

    How to avoid loot fear

    Playing cop is an easy answer, You get PVP and you get paid by the minute for it. Slums is also easily the best power growing spot because It's right NEXT to PD so you'll get the quickest PD response and there is only one entrance to protect.