Recent content by Rob Robster

  1. Rob Robster

    Model Suggestion SMS message pop up at bottom right for phone

    +1 for this, I'd love it to also know it was me that was getting the text rather than the 30 people in bazaar
  2. Rob Robster

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    I'm all for defunding the zergs, but at this rate, I think drugs need a price increase, especially cocaine being the same price as weed, even though it takes 3x longer to make than a batch of weed.
  3. Rob Robster

    What color was your bugatti?

    It's cause they wanna bait him into shooting at them so the other 10 people watching with guns can kill him
  4. Rob Robster


    Raiders "We Raid Everyone" "If we like you, we Like you, Simple as that" "Cops are the bigger Enemies, If cops are there, we fight among those we have raided" "Some say their's no honor amongst thieves, but we agree to disagree" Members: Classified Requirements: At least 2 Weeks Playtime At...
  5. Rob Robster

    Warning Dispute (@racxes)

    Punishment Type: Warning Appeal Type: Dispute Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Racxes How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable Your Steam Name: Rob Robster Your Roleplay Name: Rob Robster Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:228683953 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User...
  6. Rob Robster

    Server Suggestion Ammo Efficiency

    And then what happens when you shoot all that spare ammo and your mags are all 5-10 bullets each, your stuck in a constant loop of changing mags
  7. Rob Robster

    Server Suggestion Ammo Efficiency

    The Ammo is Abundant untill you run out of surplus boxes mid fight and have 10 magazines each with only 5-10 bullets left in each and having to constantly reload when you could then instead just repack the ammo into other magazines. I mean, it wouldn't even be close to an obstacle to learn...
  8. Rob Robster

    Refund Request (Rob Robster)

    Your Steam Name: Rob Robster Your Roleplay Name: Rob Robster Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:228683953 Reason for Request: I had gotten into a shootout with officers, killed them, but an officer had confisciated the weapons before the situation was over. Requested Items: 1x MP9 1x MP9 30-round mag...
  9. Rob Robster

    Action Request (Auto Turret #RustClash)

    I cannot find the requested video, the demos I have are from only a few days old, if you want too, you can ask Simon bendetti as he was their too
  10. Rob Robster

    Action Request (Auto Turret #RustClash)

    Where do you find demos at? The only ones I can find in the demos tab are from 2021/2022
  11. Rob Robster

    Action Request (Auto Turret #RustClash)

    Why are you so pressed, I had pulled it to check it out then put it away to unlock the door, can't really unlock a door with a gun out, unless you want me to shoot the lock off
  12. Rob Robster

    Action Request (Auto Turret #RustClash)

    I saw him run away when I opened the door, and I figured we was getting raided cause only 2 people have my keys and none wear orange, so I pulled out my gun and got him, and hovering over the gun I do that very often when doing things to be able to pull it out if I want to.
  13. Rob Robster

    Action Request (Auto Turret #RustClash) Didn't hear you as you were whisperingand you were no where near me on my screen and I was around the corner
  14. Rob Robster

    FiveM Servers

    Whitelisted servers are the best usually cause minges don't take time to get a whitelist