Recent content by Scottie012

  1. Scottie012

    Action Request

    This has already been dealt with by an admin and I was warned, you were there and I apologised... ?
  2. Scottie012

    Hahaha, next joke

    Hahaha, next joke
  3. Scottie012

    The Bourne Family

    Organisation back in action, applications once more being taken.
  4. Scottie012

    The Bourne Family applications

    Applications being taken once more as the organanisation is back in action, same template.
  5. Scottie012

    Oskar + PERPHeads --> Permaban + Lol

    Oskar + PERPHeads --> Permaban + Lol
  6. Scottie012

    Sorry I didn't get back to you, it didn't show for some reason... I left temporarily but am back...

    Sorry I didn't get back to you, it didn't show for some reason... I left temporarily but am back now for a bit!
  7. Scottie012

    ar on Scottie012

    I must apologise for the deception but you were intending to raid my organisation's base. I lied to you IC to find out your intentions and defended my organisation. Before your backup reached you I killed you and was going to run into R5 to get ready for a raid and/or hide, the only reason I...
  8. Scottie012

    Weapon Update Announcement

    I am probably a tard for asking this, but in the coming update will 1) there still be a firearms level and 2) we keep our current firearms level?
  9. Scottie012

    The Harpers Applications.

    IG Name / Steam Name: Scott Bord/Scottie012 Age: 16 Total Playtime: 2 Weeks Combat Experience 1-10: (1 = Aim like hung chow 10= Aim like Walker) 6 Driving skills 1-10: 8.5 Current money: 50k (Money is usually spent upgrading my cars) Cars owned: Kia Forte Koupé (upgraded x2), Ford Transit, Mitsu...
  10. Scottie012

    I will most probably be returning this weekend at the latest, whether or not I get on before...

    I will most probably be returning this weekend at the latest, whether or not I get on before then I dont know.. Sorry to keep you waiting and thank you for actually waiting!
  11. Scottie012


    Apologies for the delay of this thread but I just wanted to tell you lot that I am currently having a break from perp but will be back shortly, especially sorry for any Bourne family members and I do intent to continue it when I get back ofc. -- phone
  12. Scottie012

    AR on Nade Smith / Void and his friend

    I was told that a franklin has previously kidnapped void and left him in a car, may have been revenge. If not then +support I suppose
  13. Scottie012

    Remove leeches from lake.

    -support, I for one like having boundaries, having an accessible lake would make it too easy to get away from officers in the forest, I would find a blind spot and swim over .. No questions asked. In reality I think having some 'blocked off' areas of the map is a good thing.
  14. Scottie012


    Jamal also escaped out of a locked cop car whilst in cuffs the other day and pursued to attempt escape when there was no real chance. Demo can be supplied tomorrow if needed.
  15. Scottie012

    Goodbye Perpheads

    Bai, have a nice time!