Recent content by Skull Raw

  1. Skull Raw

    AR on Kay/ Kay Funds

    Foxtrot ligit scammed me the same day for 17k
  2. Skull Raw

    AR on Tyrone

    Why did you not get in it instead you walked towards him to the side.
  3. Skull Raw

    AR on Tyrone

    as soon as I was going to say hands up he ran away and I typed it in (He did go to prison for previously raiding us so I was watching him from a distance with my gun out and he was coming closer and closer) btw my friend is new he only has gmod for 23hrs and this is the only server he is...
  4. Skull Raw

    my friend cupmaster

    He told me both
  5. Skull Raw

    my friend cupmaster

    Not to interfere with anything but there were like 5 people at one time calling him names mass raiding him I can see why he was getting toxic this went on for days. We would move bases 5 mins later there they are again it was getting to the point where we didn't even want to play cause no matter...