my friend cupmaster

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Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology/dispute
Which staff member banned you: spaceshots
How long were you banned for: 2 months

Your Steam Name
: cupmaster
Your In-game Name: charle dynasty
Your Steam ID: find in scam

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans)
Why should this appeal be considered: basically I want to start off saying that yes I do deserve to be banned for making fun of someone's /me but it shouldn't be that big of a deal and I also want to mention they're not mad over the fact that I made fun of them and not listen to them first of all I didn't even hear them it was leonard who was actually mugging us the other guy was just watching and acting as if he was the one actually mugging me and demanding to drop my shit I may have made fun of leonard spelling but then again I did drop my shit and I kept everything in IC even tho they were talking in LOOC that's why I said "What do you mean" as in you never told us to shut up and now you're telling us LOOC ( making fun of him spelling shouldn't be punishable it was the fact that it was a mugging and I cooperated as the other guy who is my friend he's technically new he has 83 hours on gmod and he was talking over him and I couldn't hear a thing (The reason why he was talking over and not cooperating was because we got raided by these red suits who consist of the same people over and over again and ontop of that they always say some shit after the raid and then we have to retaliate because why not we are humans we don't take shit from other people and then they play the victim card) My friend had it enough and raged many times
Being extremely toxic in OOC. Ban extended after accepted AR: 3.4, 3.24, 3.26 - User failed to comply with a mugging at gunpoint. Instead, made fun of a /me the user made rather than complying with it.

basically I want to start off saying that yes I deserve to be banned for making fun of someone's /me but it shouldn't be that big of a deal and I also want to mention they're not mad over the fact that I made fun of them and not "listening" to them (Its the fact that I had over 6 beaker full of meth and ingredients if you check the OOC log ALOO89 says why did you kill him he had soo many stuff on him something in that line ) first of all I didn't even hear them it was leonard who was actually mugging us the other guy was just watching and acting as if he was the one actually mugging me (Basically we couldn't hear him and he was being disrupted) and demanding to drop my shit I may have made fun of leonard spelling but then again I did drop my shit and I kept everything in IC even tho they were talking in LOOC that's why I said "What do you mean" as in you never told us to shut up and now you're telling us LOOC ( making fun of him spelling shouldn't be punishable AND I DID INFACT COOPERATED (Spaceshots said "User failed to comply with a mugging at gunpoint. Instead, made fun of a /me the user made rather than complying with it") as the other guy who is my friend he's technically new he has 83 hours on gmod and he was talking over him and I couldn't hear a thing (The reason why he was talking over and not cooperating was because we got raided by these red suits who consist of the same people over and over again and on top of that they always say some shit after the raid and then we have to retaliate because why not we are humans we don't take shit from other people and then they play the victim card) My friend had it enough and raged many times and

Additional Comment(s):
I'm explaining my side of view of the story and reacting my actions based on others ~cupmaster
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its completely fine if you dont change the ban, just saying its unfair to ban me for these reasons.
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he banned me for 1 month for being "Extremely toxic" when all I did was retaliated these people from OOC that were harrasing me even a guy that only has 83 hours on gmod said I should make an AR about it but I don't also dont forget the fact that the person literally told me to go kill myself and the same person who was arguing with me told that person he went alittle too far1566703825238.png
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Not to interfere with anything but there were like 5 people at one time calling him names mass raiding him I can see why he was getting toxic this went on for days. We would move bases 5 mins later there they are again it was getting to the point where we didn't even want to play cause no matter what we tried we would get raided by the same people over and over and it was very frustrating.
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Cupmaster instigated an argument with @Daigestive and a few others, And all the "5 people" were only responding to him instigating the argument in the first place. The behaviour was petty and pissed off the community to the point where they spoke out against his petty rowing.

I'm pretty sure that cup master wasn't even involved in the raid at all and began instigating an argument with the raiders, calling them, quote; "Fucking pussies" and began calling peoples mums crack addicts and such.

Fine, people said more or less the same stuff back to him, but to start an unnecessary argument in OOC because you were negatively affected in character then having the audacity to claim that you were the victim is in itself a sign of projecting an undesirable mindset onto the server, and I can speak for the entirety of the community when I say that mindset and attitude is NOT welcome here.

And yes, I was involved in this before anyone decides to play the "2.3" card.

Deleted member 5920

I was there both times. You have been flaming constantly in OOC despite being unprovoked. You seem to be proud of your toxicity and brag about it as such. You broke 3.24 the entire situation where we were mugging you which ruined any chance of roleplay.

You're a detriment to the server and not someone I wish to have back anytime soon.
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"You were using LOOC to "Stay in character" and you were the reason why I was being toxic you're the reason why we said some shit and lets completely forget the fact that you said when the admin came on on /help "Why do you get quiet when the admin comes on" you're a hypocrite and you need help because you're delusional You had no part in the roleplaying you were literally just watching the door and then came up to us when Leonard was doing everything and I DID COOPERATED you dont roleplay at all you just told us to shut up (From your perspective ) which we couldn't even hear you
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in this case i didn't instigated an argument DAi wasn't even there so don't mention him and "Fucking pussies" came from when I told ALOO89 killed me by peeking after he heard the buzzer and I said on OOC "I knew that was going to happen" but they replied with being toxic and so I called them a fucking pussy you seem to have your story right but you don't have the right perspective as I do because you said its a raid that didn't concern me when I was the one who raided them and lets not mention everytime they raid us and kill us they spam the /looc chat saying ez Zzzzz like they're not toxic
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cause you were talking all that shit in ooc (to me too) and then when admins came you were suddenly good boys

Deleted member 4116

@catbandit might aswell make an apology, ban dispute rarely get accepted when a staff member is wrong and they’re 95% of the time not wrong. Just make an apology takes 5 minutes to type and it’s better.
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United Kingdom
Don't ban evade.
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