Recent content by talkhtw5

  1. Spy

    I think, it shouldn't be an official job. People could just pay for a person to spy on someone, for example: Spying on an org, joining them and gathering information. And the person who wanted him to spy pay him for it, that's how it should be, in my opinion.
  2. Tying cables.

    Yeah me neither, yeah I am thinking about using a knife to break them out, but what if cops rescue the hostages? I suggest a special tool for the cops, or a general tool, for Civi and police officers, the good 'ol fashioned combat knife, or a tomahawk, for SWAT/Cops. I'd like to hear your opinion.
  3. Bank cooldown timer

    Yes I agree, they wouldn't miss that opprotunity after waiting an hour, plus they are not the only people who want to rob. They'll plan it fastly and good, Just like in real life.
  4. A funny demo. Stephen the mad bomber

    LOL hilarious!! And a bit mingy I might say xD
  5. Safety trigger

    +Support! Accidental shots happaned to me, mostly with the Benelli. I support this idea.
  6. Death

    That's a great idea! If it would be implanted cops wouldn't just charge in like hero's, some of them.
  7. Fishing

    WOW, never knew that!! I feel so dumb now after bought so much salt..
  8. Fishing

    Problem is, it happens all the time and fast, shouldn't happen at all, since the hook is attached to their mouth.
  9. Fishing

    I don't think fishes should disappear at all, since they should be stuck on the hook, and not just flee away, the hook is supposed to be in their flesh..
  10. Tying cables.

    Nice idea, also in the roll idea, the ties could break or not.
  11. Perpheads biggest human tower

    Oh you did that with your physics gun................. :D
  12. Perpheads biggest human tower

  13. Mayor Vote Rework

    Yeah I think it's great! Then the mayor would most likely be hostaged or be murderd, since we can't re-vote for a new mayor if we hate the current one, that's why we use gunpower. But if we could re-vote for a new mayor lets say every 40 minutes, will most likey less want to risk the chance of...
  14. Weapon Management

    Wow, great idea Luke, but I think, what if people get mugged and they don't have money on them, and they have an M82! In there invetory, They'll be sooooooo sooooo sooo pissed. Plus people will more likely want to KILL people for their weapons, they'll always find a "reason", keep that in mind.
  15. Tying cables.

    Just why I added this idea. :D