A funny demo. Stephen the mad bomber

Anyone that wants to view this, rename the file to something with no spaces, underscores anything so something like "perpheads.dem" is fine. Then type "demoui" in console, press the Load button, find the "perpheads.dem" wait for it to load, then in the Goto: box go to around number 40000, then wait and watch the awesomeness unfold.
StephenPuffs said:
Anyone that wants to view this, rename the file to something with no spaces, underscores anything so something like "perpheads.dem" is fine. Then type "demoui" in console, press the Load button, find the "perpheads.dem" wait for it to load, then in the Goto: box go to around number 40000, then wait and watch the awesomeness unfold.
Gonna turn the demo in a video, will be easier for people :)
Ahahahahahahha. I laughed my ass off when you yelled 'Allahu Akbar' then suicide bombed lol. This is even more funny to me because I live in a country which's %90 of it's population is Muslim lol.

EDIT: Thanks for uploading it to the youtube btw Mazz, helped a lot ^^
Pretty funny, but did you notice that Dallas FailRPed? He called for help using the government radio while at gunpoint... Just saying, i think that'd be failRP...
Guest said:
Pretty funny, but did you notice that Dallas FailRPed? He called for help using the government radio while at gunpoint... Just saying, i think that'd be failRP...
Nope, Pedro specifically asked to notify everyone that the mayor was taken hostage.