Recent content by Torben Torben

  1. Torben Torben

    Refund Request (Torben Torben)

    Your Steam Name: Torben Torben Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Kentucky Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29399079 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon to a civilian protecting the mayor, it has been accepted by a mod Requested Items: 1x Remington 870 short (unloaded) Evidence Type: Authorised by...
  2. Torben Torben

    yeah this guy commentet on a 3 year inactive profile

    yeah this guy commentet on a 3 year inactive profile
  3. Torben Torben

    Who are you?

    Who are you?
  4. Torben Torben


    This might be a bit late but whatever I am leaving perp because of school, so yeah i dont have time for perp. Goodbye
  5. Torben Torben

    The Story of an innocent Traffic Officer...

    HAHAHA wanna-be officer thats basically what traffic officer are
  6. Torben Torben


  7. Torben Torben

    When perpheads lets you down

    I dont know why but i got my phone out and could not put it down :P
  8. Torben Torben

    Steam Gauge Thread

  9. Torben Torben

    Happpy birthday

    Happpy birthday
  10. Torben Torben

    Something you are proud of?

    When i had a insulinchok at a lan party, and woke up at the hospital later. oh and i had pink hair at the time, because somone thought it would be a good idea, it was not.
  11. Torben Torben


    Thanks for the great work you have done and thanks for giveing me @Chris's address
  12. Torben Torben

    The death of Alfred Wayne

    The death of Alfred Wayne I would like som constructive criticism
  13. Torben Torben

    8K Ticket refund

    Your in-game name: Sean Rose Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29399079 What do you need refunded: 8000 Dollers Why do you want your item(s) refunded: i got a 8000 doller ticket for breaking laws 6.9, 6.8, 6.5, 12.3 and 12.12 Evidence: My complaint got accepted @MrLewis Tick: