The Story of an innocent Traffic Officer...

You made the montage look very funny but i wasn't amused at all by the party that was going around town executing every officer they saw. There was no RP at all, hunting down a traffic officer to 'kill the last of the police force'. Really?
Cry-cry thread? Unfortunately I missed everyone getting rekt, but It seems there is plenty of salt left from the party.
Cry-cry thread? Unfortunately I missed everyone getting rekt, but It seems there is plenty of salt left from the party.

This really isn't a 'cry-cry' thread, I really couldn't care less about being killed as a traffic officer (OOC of course), so it's a bit sad of you to make that assumption because I made a video of it :P

On phone btw
Never will forget the time a traffic officer saved my ass by going 50mph into a suspect during a shoot out between us both. I am eternally grateful.