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  1. Torben Torben

    Refund Request (Torben Torben)

    Your Steam Name: Torben Torben Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Kentucky Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29399079 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon to a civilian protecting the mayor, it has been accepted by a mod Requested Items: 1x Remington 870 short (unloaded) Evidence Type: Authorised by...
  2. Torben Torben

    yeah this guy commentet on a 3 year inactive profile

    yeah this guy commentet on a 3 year inactive profile
  3. Torben Torben

    Who are you?

    Who are you?
  4. Torben Torben


    This might be a bit late but whatever I am leaving perp because of school, so yeah i dont have time for perp. Goodbye
  5. Torben Torben

    The Story of an innocent Traffic Officer...

    HAHAHA wanna-be officer thats basically what traffic officer are
  6. Torben Torben


  7. Torben Torben

    When perpheads lets you down

    I dont know why but i got my phone out and could not put it down :P
  8. Torben Torben

    Steam Gauge Thread

  9. Torben Torben

    Happpy birthday

    Happpy birthday
  10. Torben Torben

    Something you are proud of?

    When i had a insulinchok at a lan party, and woke up at the hospital later. oh and i had pink hair at the time, because somone thought it would be a good idea, it was not.
  11. Torben Torben


    Thanks for the great work you have done and thanks for giveing me @Chris's address
  12. Torben Torben

    The death of Alfred Wayne

    The death of Alfred Wayne I would like som constructive criticism
  13. Torben Torben

    8K Ticket refund

    Your in-game name: Sean Rose Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29399079 What do you need refunded: 8000 Dollers Why do you want your item(s) refunded: i got a 8000 doller ticket for breaking laws 6.9, 6.8, 6.5, 12.3 and 12.12 Evidence: My complaint got accepted @MrLewis Tick:
  14. Torben Torben


    if it means i get to yell at you then il coach you for sure
  15. Torben Torben

    ArmA 3 PMC Simulator - Open to join!

    I would like to join But i think that i am to good for you guys kappa
  16. Torben Torben

    This how felt when you left

    This how felt when you left
  17. Torben Torben

    Who is this guy?

    Who is this guy?
  18. Torben Torben

    Civilization VI

    I hope you are ready for som nice breaking of law 9.7. @Lucia Younty , @ShadowJoey , @Ezrider and ofc @Murtsley
  19. Torben Torben

    I saw it first, dont steal my glory.

    I saw it first, dont steal my glory.
  20. Torben Torben

    Happy Birthday Arron

    Happy Birthday Arron
  21. Torben Torben

    Favourite pistol?

    I love the M1911, it is classic its beautyfull and it sound great to
  22. Torben Torben

    Favorite Smokes(For smoker only)

    I like L A red, Prince and Red Marlboro
  23. Torben Torben

    What grinds your gears?

    When i run out of beer and cigarettes
  24. Torben Torben

    I called it!

    I dont understand why anyone would trust Ben walker ever, like one moment he is helping and then this happens
  25. Torben Torben

    Happy birthday Stop cheating in civ

    Happy birthday Stop cheating in civ
  26. Torben Torben

    "@Murtsley is a physics textbook turned human" - Delta 2016

    "@Murtsley is a physics textbook turned human" - Delta 2016
  27. Torben Torben

    Police planning board

    As a fellow swat leader (Better than you) i would love to se this in the game. But i belive that it should be sargent+ or somthing like that, simply because we all know that people would end up drawing dicks on it all the time
  28. Torben Torben

    Dad why? i am gonna miss the dad i just found

    Dad why? i am gonna miss the dad i just found