Goodbye for now.

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I don't really know how to put this without revealing too much about myself, yet say the things I need in order to justify the actions you've likely seen myself take. I could just say "mental health" and be over and done with it, yet it feels insufficient to cover the extent of my actions and precautions.
So, an explanation is somewhat owed, I feel, to those who this post took by surprise, shock, disappointment or whatever else you may feel.

This is for all intents and purposes, a goodbye from me to this community.
Perp has been a part of my life for a long time now. For almost too long, and a too big part of my life too. This has created some serious problems that I can no longer ignore.

Many years ago, way back in 2015-2016, I entered an incredibly dark phase of my life that nearly ended me.
Suffice it to say that, whilst that period left mental scars, I have in fact not recovered and I am rapidly approaching a breaking point.
I am unfortunately hopelessly addicted to my online presence both here, and elsewhere in such a way that I have lost control. And PERP plays a major role in this.

For those of you confused as to why I don't just leave and focus on my life already:
Please read what I said above, and second of all; I end up returning without any sort of self control each and every time I write some big goodbye post, or leave silently, and I end up never adhering to my own wishes. This post aims to change that by enacting a mandatory five year ban.

With that said, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here and have had plenty of fun, met some very talented and great people who have been just incredible.
I will not list anyone, as I feel that those who are listed may feel some sort of guilt or belief that something they did made me do this. For those of you wondering; no you have not.

This is not permanent, and I intend to only isolate myself for a minimum of five years.
This is non-negotiable, for myself. And I, or anyone else for that matter, can't request a return before this time is up.
So please don't try to bring me back or contact me.

I'm saddened that I'll miss V6's release, but waiting around for it is not worth the repercussions to my psyche.

As you see this post, I will have begun removing people from my friends list, leaving servers, removing myself from the server, forums, teamspeak, discord server and leaving steam groups, on top of revoking any of my access to any form of contact with this community, to isolate myself and focus on self improvement.

I am aware of how dramatic this sounds, but I feel that this is the only correct action to take. I don't want to share any more details than I already have, as I don't feel that this is a community suited for such a thing.
Please note that this was a sudden thing for me too, and I had not planned to do this until, as of posting, yesterday occurred.

Any typos, grammatical errors or the likes are things you'll have to live with as I will not be able to edit my post.

Goodbye for now, and thanks.
Good on you bro, it takes a lot to talk about that sort of thing openly and I wish you all the best with your journey.
I'm sure there will be a warm welcome for when you return, and support along the way.
Thanks for what you have done for ph, best of luck on your endeavors!
Extremely sad to see you leave. You were one of the people in the community I felt the most genuine. You were a great staff and friend.

I will definitely miss your laugh, it will live forever in my montages.
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You don't owe anyone an explanation, and you certainly shouldn't feel guilty for taking an absence from this community to better yourself.
I, too, turned to games as an escape from reality. Although gaming has got me through some rough patches, it inadvertently worsened my isolation from family and friends, deteriorated my health, and wasted many years of my life that I could have used on professional/self-development.

You are taking a big step in the right direction and I, as well as many others, wish you nothing but the best.
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You are a true gent, intelligent and a very just man, you will do great in life and time will prove it. Keep plugging away at your self-improvement goals, even if it's gradual, it is all good,

I wish you health and prosperity!
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