Ban Dispute (ellie)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: ryan carpenter
Your Roleplay Name: ryan carpenter
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76561199527377819

Why were you punished?: User wasted staffs time and being untruthful in report and adminsit claiming he never tier any cars. When checking his demo it turns out he instantly tiered two stolen cars and was driving reckless, slamming into walls and cars for no reason. Also drive on the wrong side of the highway at high speed for no reason. User also ran away under gunpoint at the bathroom stalls at underpass because he didn't want to be mugged. Been lying continuously and keep "swearing on his mum" stating he didnt break any rules. No intent to RP properly, only to minge and can't grasp the basic concept of server rules

Why should this appeal be considered?: you don't see it in my point of vew i didnt lie swear im not good at driving as well i alredy spoke to an admin about the gun point and he said that he will let it slide becasue i didnt know that was a rule as well i havent been lying continously ive been playing the rp properly ive only recently got garrys mod because my brother got it me i barly know how to play the game its not very fair that ive got banned for all thoes things because im still learning the game as well i didnt mean to go on the opposite side of the high way if you saw the video it shows me turning around and going back im just tring to role play with my friend and i got banned without a warning from her i didn't lie as well i was swearing on my moms life becasue when i do that it show im not lying because i love my mom more than anything

Additional Information: i barely know how to play the game as well im trying to learn more
but i cant if i get banned for 6 months
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sorry i cant because i dont know how to screan record
as well i could get my friend to agree because ive been with im the whole time
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I asked you if you tiered/wrecked any cars AFTER I showed you a screenshot of the logs that said you wrecked a car. You claimed the logs are wrong and you swore on your mums life that you never wrecked/tiered any cars and you wouldn't lie about that.

First car you tiered:

The second car you tiered just minutes after the first one:

I asked several times if you were being honest with me and asked you about a deal; you would receive a permaban if you forced me to sit through your demo only to see what the logs already confirmed, and you said yes to that. In your demo, I see you drive recklessly and trying to damage the cars you stole and tiered two cars in a short amount. And driving recklessly in already-tiered cars does not benefit you at all and will only affect other players negatively and forced one of them to pay $63,000 to fix their car because of your "mistake".

This would not be a long ban at all if you wouldn't continuously lie to me, trying to mislead me both in the report and the adminsit, and wasting over an hour to investigate something the logs already showed happened.
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United Kingdom

Th evidence provided by Ellie clearly shows you tiering two vehicles as you were being reckless as to whether any of the vehicles would be destroyed in these incidents by taking unnecessary risks (wrong side of the highway, driving with an obstructed view etc).

Not only that, but you have not put up a proper defence aside from the ignoring gunpoint, but in the grand scheme of things that is the least of your worries in this ban reason. You’ve not provided any evidence and have claimed you’re unable to do so, which is required for all disputes. Your friend vouching for you won’t cut it and from everything I’ve read, you sending Ellie on a wild goose chase and wasting staff time is the reason for the lengthy ban. If I were in your position, I would be making a ban apology towards Ellie if I wanted a small chance at coming back earlier than the ban expiration date.
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