Community Spotlight - March 2024

Reaction score

Community Spotlight - March 2024

Player Showcase
Recognising Players for Roleplay, Creativity or Helpfulness

The player showcase portion of the Community Spotlight is designed to showcase players that have been noticed by Community Management for good roleplay, creativity or helpfulness. Any players that are featured in this section are awarded the Community Spotlight trophy on their forum profile in recognition.

Overpriced Casino
Created by @JoshPiper

A bazaar store that has been making several appearances throughout the month of March featuring really nice usage of several greenery props as well as contrasting colors on the rugs and signs to really make it stand out. Well done!

Posted on 17th of March 2024
Awarded Community Spotlight

Callum & Lorens Wedding
Created by @Callum Rodreigez & @loren

The beginning of the month of March showcased a crowded wedding at the City's church where everyone was gathered to witness the marriage of the two aforementioned players. It boasted armed security guards and another case of great use of greenery props to enhance the indoor atmosphere.

Posted on 3rd of March 2024
Awarded Community Spotlight
Created by @Eistee von Aldi & @Solid

ALDI SUD makes yet another appearance with a clean shop design and a very well organized arsenal making efficient use of all the walls & space. Additionally, the sleek graphics are sure to catch anyones attention - But will it be enough to keep them there after seeing the prices? :bag:

Posted on 31st of March 2024
Awarded Community Spotlight
Unnamed Montage...
Created by @walnash

Following his recent unban, Walnash has returned to his roots and former home of the Video & Pictures section by giving us this montage with impressive visuals, labeled clips, & interesting choice of music. If you haven't watched it already, be sure to do so soon.

Well done Bratan.

Posted on 26th of March 2024
Awarded Community Spotlight
Created by @MalekIsWeird

Definitely one of the most creative montages we've seen on the forums, clearly a lot of effort went into this from all the visual effects to separate filming and clips in sandbox to give even more depth to the montage. You've certainly come a long way and it's been refreshing to see your improvements being made.

Posted on 31st of March 2024
Awarded Community Spotlight

Community Information
Any important information relating to the Community

This portion of the Community Spotlight is in place to make sure you are up to date with any changes made in the community, and ensures you don't miss out on any ongoing community wide events that are open for participation.

Update 18/03/24
Posted by @Sindarin

A large update log with a variety of changes to both Police & Crim players. The new PLPD site has been released and we're excited to see it continue to be developed for years to come while providing a more refreshing website experience. As always, there will be several bugs so please make sure to utilize the helpdesk feature to report them.

On the other hand, property drug limits have been imposed to try and combat excessively large groups of players from basing in the same property.
GOCC Charity Fundraiser Recognition
Done by @Th3rrorist

In the past, you may have seen Th3rrorist setting up stands at city hall and collecting in-game money to donate to The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity with real money. This was done at no benefit to himself because all the money accumulated in-game was distributed amongst new players to help them get a better start in the city.

In the end, everyone who participated was able to raise $620 towards life saving courses in CPR and AED training. This just goes to show how charitable we can be as a community and it was very noble of you to set this up @Th3rrorist.

Awarded Community Spotlight
