Police Suggestion Dispatch functionality overhaul.

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Suggestion Title: Dispatch functionality overhaul.
Suggestion Description: Add the ability for dispatchers:

To tap into the bodyworn cameras on medics, officers, and firefighters:

Granting a first person view from a government workers POV would make the dispatcher role more desirable, and overall increase fluidity within their functions. It would allow dispatch to keep eyes on the situation at all times and understand what is going on, rather than relying upon the communication of an officer.

This would allow:
- Dispatchers to communicate on behalf of someone in a situation where talking might distract or skewer the objective (hostage situations, officers sneaking, etc.)
- Dispatchers to proactively ensure all workers aren’t goofing off.
- Dispatchers to proactively involve themselves in situations and offer assistance, guidance, and other support services.

Balancing factors for this could include:
- Upon the worker falling unconscious, the dispatcher can no longer see their camera.
- When their equipment is taken from them, the dispatcher cannot access their cameras anymore.
- Maybe a system allowing workers to voluntarily stop themselves from being watched with some sort of system (Not really necessary as public service should be viewable at all times though, just a consideration)

When a dispatcher is viewing your camera, the user should be notified with a line of text in the bottom corner where your unit appears, saying “Dispatch observing”.

Second idea: “CCTV panic button”

A text bind and key bind could be made for the purpose of CCTV, similar to a panic, where depending on the crime, dispatchers can declare they’ve seen an emergency and it would notify officers of a serious situation they’ve witnessed via CCTV. This alert should play a sound similar to a panic, and create a quick incident with a text chat message saying “Major incident underway at [LOCATION]” at which point dispatchers can announce the issue down voice radio.

Third idea: Bring back patrol routes:

Allow dispatch to once again assign with a “Patrol route”. This was very useful in ensuring efficiency, assigning officers to patrol specific areas to ensure the force is balanced out and distributed evenly.

Why should this be added?:
- Allows dispatch better visibility of the forces on the job, meaning they can manage and assist to a greater degree.

What negatives could this have?:
- People could be stalked by pervy dispatchers I guess.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Dispatch is seen with great disregard from the wider community and unfortunately isn’t utilised as much. Dispatchers having far more control over situations is what is needed to ensure the job sees use.
This would be great! I think it'd boost dispatcher enjoyability massively and would also promote more benefit to having more than one dispatcher in service as they can co-ordinate and monitor seperate situations/ Patrol routes without being too overwhelmed. It would be beneficial for civilians too as any LEOs or Gov employees would be easily visible if they were breaking policy or underperforming.
Only issue is when they watch an officer in a supervisor sit / dealing with an officers conduct which is meant to be confidential.
Only issue is when they watch an officer in a supervisor sit / dealing with an officers conduct which is meant to be confidential.
Maybe make it so "busy" stops dispatchers from being able to view. Only thing then is they could change it themselves I suppose.. hmm
@sza you mentioned some field improvements for dispatch somewhere, seems like a good time to bring them up in this thread
The is actually so good, please add this. I was bored out of my mind playing dispatcher before but if I can spectate cops in body cam angle, it would be FAR more enjoyable.
Third idea: Bring back patrol routes:

Allow dispatch to once again assign with a “Patrol route”. This was very useful in ensuring efficiency, assigning officers to patrol specific areas to ensure the force is balanced out and distributed evenly.

So I am not completely crazy, I thought I was gaslighting myself thinking this used to be a thing.

+1 just for this already, great suggestions
Only issue is when they watch an officer in a supervisor sit / dealing with an officers conduct which is meant to be confidential.
it says in the corner of your screen “duspatch observing” make a policy which states that duspatch is not allowed to observ the bodycam of a gov employee if said employee is currently in a supervisor sit.

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