Model Suggestion Glock 21 and Glock 22

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Suggestion Title: Glock 21 and Glock 22
Suggestion Description: Adding the Glock 21 (45 ACP) and the Glock 22 (.40SW) to PERP, with textures adapted from the existing Glock 20 and Glock 17 models.

The idea here is to add 2 new handguns that would serve as alternative variants of the existing handguns. The only thing that would need work is balancing the gun to its caliber and retexturing existing glocks, as well as making new sounds for them.

Glock 21:
The Glock 21 is a .45 ACP handgun. It should be balanced as such:
- Caliber of 45 ACP would do more damage but have more recoil than the Glock 20.
- It would hold 13 rounds of .45 ACP instead of 15 rounds of 10MM auto.
- It would be louder, but quieter suppressed than the Glock 20.
- The crafting recipe should have 1 extra refined metal 25% pure added to it, meaning it would cost 4920 to craft without a magazine.
- It’s magazine should require 2 extra hunks of polymer to create than a Glock 20 magazine.

Design choices for the Glock 20 could feature an OD green lower receiver whilst the slide remains black, and alterations to the iron sights could be made.
Glock 22:
The Glock 22 would serve as a cheaper, less powerful Glock 20, and a more powerful version of the Glock 17. Similar to the Glock 20 it would share a 15 round capacity to the Glock 20, but shoot a less powerful shot than it. The Glock 22 should have an additional chunk of plastic added to its crafting mixture to bring the price up so it sits between the Glock 17 and Glock 20. Design choices could feature a cerakote finish, or could just be a sleeker, darker looking Glock 17.
Ideally, Both guns could be given to roles in the PD to give more variety too. The Glock 22 would ideally suit Corporals and TFU, whilst the Glock 21 could fit better as a supervisors pistol.

Why should this be added?:
- Expanding the Arsenal of weapons on the server without requiring all that much work, since it inherits from existing models and animations and exists as a texture variant of existing firearms.
- More expansive options for Glock nerds like me.
- More variety for the crafting grind.
- Glock 21 could shift pistol metas and give a more expensive alternative to the HK45CT with the price difference encouraging both pistols to coexist.

What negatives could this have?:
- Not really any new models or animations with these guns.
- Glock 21 meta
- Weapons may be harder to distinguish from one another, even with varied textures, newer players may mistake one model for the other.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Brings 2 handguns onto the server that are common modern service and civilian weapons alike, glocks fit in virtually all applications here, from street thugs to police officers and everything in between.
i think this is a great idea especially for the PD but what will the crafting levels be and there are already 3 Glocks