Suggestion Title: Secuirty Turret
Suggestion Description: The security turret is a proposed weapon I came up for good defensive situations in PERP. The security turret will be able to be placed anywhere in a building and can detect if there is a raid or a break in. The security turret will fire at them repeatedly until they die. The security can turn 180 degrees but if shot on the legs it will collapse and explode, Grenades can also explode immediately too. You may also place it on the top of your car, but only with permission from PLPD and you cant own one legally if you do crimes yourself. The security turret will cost 10K on average and you can buy it at ragnatech or the delivery app.
Why should this be added?:
- Makes more options for battles/defensive situations
What negatives could this have?:
- Might be OP
What problem would this suggestion solve?: The lack of fight situations, as we can expand raids and other arsenal.