Rule Suggestion (3.4 Putting your Life at Risk)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
Suggestion Description: 3.4 should be made less vaugue.

Why should this be added?:
- So not going to get into my personal shit but I will say IRL sometimes people choose fight instead of flight.

I have seen people advance on cops untill a tazer was deployed and proceed to cry police brutality. I have seen little guys crash the fuck out and get their asses kicked by big guys.

I have seen 100 pound woman Think they are 250 and 6 foot 4. My point to this is not everyone is going to value their life even at gun point and there should be situationally dependant clauses in the rule.

For example. Look at american police shootings. It is not uncommon for People with jail time sitting in the car with them to actually just just start shooting. There was one recently where The kid had a switch glock and shot the cop like 13 times, did not follow commands and had a gun pointed at him the entire time.

I understand most living breathing people value their lives but it would be cool to see an Org clause or large amount of narcotics clause.

Basically as a criminal under circumstances of lengthy jail time you realistically are justified rule wise for attempting to get away/ shoot out with police even if your odds of survival are slim.

Now saddly this is realistic, and I understand america is perhaps not the best shining example of police interactions with the general public but people do shoot outs because its that or 45 to life for the barcotics in their possession. Either way their life is over so they stop valueing their own life.

I would say this would have to be very specific.

What negatives could this have?:
- People could potentially make very minor crimes an excuse to shoot at police potentially hitting bystanders in the process. People could begin on sighting cops for the belief that they are justified in their actions.
-1. Real life and games are different. If this is gonna be added then people are just gonna prefer to be killed and wait 5 minutes so their items wont get confiscated or shit like that and thats gonna be a chaos
For the sake of decent RP I think the way the rule currently is works best, otherwise like Collier said it'll just become no fun.