Event Suggestion PVP training camp

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Suggestion Title: PVP training camp
Suggestion Description: What if we had a warehouse specifically for people to consensually fight for the purpose of learning how to not shit the bed when you get shot at.

Here is what I suggest, Weapons dont get picked up and upon death you come back as soon as NLR expires, pickup your weapon and reset and start again as the more experienced player teaches you strats, charges money and gets to work on their own aim by shooting you when you inevitably pull shots.

Why should this be added?:
- To learn the combat mechanics in a safer environment

What negatives could this have?:
- Life alerts getting set off, use of a large property that could otherwise be used by large orgs.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Being bad at the game
Are you arguing for or against the suggestion?

I think some key points are important:
1) Funding and finding 40 people to fight at once is not sustainable, I hosted Amethyst racing and getting just 5 people to race was a pain
2) The measures taken to find a space big enough for that many people is impossible for any property except the farm open area.
3) the chances of things going wrong or rules being broken are catastrophically high
4) Raids happen where 40 people die throughout the server in a close time frame. This is pretty normal for a serverwide and map-wide circumstance. I can hypothesize that some individual raids might climb up to that amount given second waves of police.

And if its only one on one or a few at once then that kinda defeats your whole point of saying it will overwhelm the server.

Lastly, we already have Gulag and Raid events which are really good, I don't understand how some people are still unhappy.
ive never seen 40 people die in a raid unless its MAX and even then thats crazy
Yea when there are 70+ people on the server. Now take the same scenario but with 40 people on. Trust me, there isnt much to do when there arent a lot of people and an event like this would be nice. I still believe it would be better if it was player made rather than an actual event, because its not worth the time coding when it could be easily made by a player
Lets ask the admins if we can and fuck it run it

This is something you should look to create via IC means using large buildings or areas such as farm, take into account PD response ect.

This wouldn't be worth the development effort, nor does it actually provide much if any benefit to most players.
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