I talked with the Daymon already, but information for Users.
If Ban Request will be accepted, the ban will be increased .
(No colors on Daymon request .)
Your Steam/In-game Name: Kevin | Kevin Carter
His Steam/In-game Name: Z3RODayZ | Alessandro Gotti
His SteamID: STEAM_0:1:86648108
Reason: Breaking "3.17"
This person broke the rules when I tried to explain the situation , he tried to lie to me .
Just watch the Demo.
Your Steam/In-game Name: Kevin | Kevin Carter
His Steam/In-game Name: duckgandalfarmy / Klan Bendix
His SteamID:
Massive failure to comply with the rules.
Breaking "4.0"
Attempts to CDM.
Lack of knowledge of the rules.
Probably Minge Person.
Your Steam/In-game Name: Kevin | Kevin Carter
His Steam/In-game Name: Dead | Ian Dalum
His SteamID: STEAM_0:1:62998491
Reason: Breaking the rule number "3.21"
He ran across the highway for no reason.
Additional Information: I would ask for a warning to the player.
Go to...
Your Steam/In-game Name: Kevin | Kevin Carter
His Steam/In-game Name: [FFG] Aiden|DaleAGaming | Aiden Keis
His SteamID: STEAM_0:0:48863576
That was kind of hard to found his Steam ID...
Reason: Breaking the rule number "3.21"
He ran across the highway for no reason. Probably to get faster...
Your past anyway will follow you . It's something like Police Notoriety in RealLife.
New account would not work here and the Administration should know about your previous offenses
Approves apologize for your offenses and read the rules again.
Selfie [In-Game] Thread!
It's here to share your characters photo from the game.
The idea I drew on the basis of: https://perpheads.com/threads/selfie-thread.1401/
I think so little original idea does not offend anyone .
Well, Let me start.
My Old Looking:
My new Looking:
Clan shut because I would like to play a little alone. And it solves no activity and the reluctance of people to RP.
Please move it to archive.
Regards , Kevin .
While reading this post. I encourage you and please listen to the background music .
I would like to congratulate our new Moderators and Enforcers !
I very warmly congratulate you guys!
I would like to thank you for the effort and hard work.
I am proud that I can rely...
Your Steam/In-game Name: Kevin | Kevin Carter
His Steam/In-game Name: {l2f}SIMON | Palo Chuandes
His SteamID: STEAM_0:0:65874054
The Rule Number 3.4 and 3.6 was breaked by this user.
Clarify the situation:
I don't need to explain much, As you can see on the Demo.
Two players...
Your Steam/In-game Name: Kevin | Kevin Carter
His Steam Name: sm3312
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:52437957
The reason for report this player, he's not understanding the rules.
Breaking the rule number 5.1
Clarify the situation:
I am a patient and calm .
I used voice chat, I said , "...
I apologize to both of you but I am forced to reject your application.
The reason is that you do not have a fairly large RolePlay experience to take this activity.
I suggested you place your application to " The Dark Side" or any other organization or gain more experience.
I know you well enough...
I'm back.
I'm sorry about posting in bad section, that was mistake.
I was in another city for work. I got an offer and I accepted it . I want to develop my skills in any way as I can.
That was my job. Here everything was happening and I worked with nice people.
Photo by: "Damian Kukliński"...
I do not like just that you have a high self evaluation . " Cooperation with others and the organization in 0/25 scale : 25 "
"No one is perfect"
Perhaps I'm wrong .
You 've played yesterday as my SS and you played very well.
You will receive from me a chance. I am glad that you spend a lot of...
I really like your application because it is honest and you look like the responsible person.
Little time a day do you spend on the server , but I don't see a problem.
You will receive from me a chance.
Trial - 5 Days
(You can use it as signature if you want)
I have a question . Why do people buy cars just for speed? Is here is not about the type of car , appearance and other characteristics?
For me it is a little ridiculous.
This is an RP server . No GTA Series
Serious RP
I know about programming and I know that it is very easy to do. The idea is good but there is a possible problem . People can to complain .
I am willing to give you + Support.
Here already is the role of the Developer . To have allocated the ability to set the limit speed cameras. Will it be...
In my personal opinion, the server should be original and have own modifications / plugins and others.
What you demonstrated the here is really nice . But do not forget that the server has 50 times better lights.
The lights are designed to improve visibility for the driver of the vehicle and...
Very nicely described , cosmetic update. Thank you Stephen for your efforts and for future updates . I appreciate your hard work and all the other Developers . You are doing a great job. Sometimes I want to help you because I know a lot of languages in memory . I mean programming languages . But...
You make the impression of an ideal candidate . I played with you RP , and I know that you know all the rules RolePlay . I can confidently say that you are an intelligent person who will give up the position. But I would like to draw attention to the "Political Experience"
Not exactly what I...
I decided to give you a chance . I hope that your age will not affect your behavior RP and OOC .
As we well know at your age a lot of people are starting to rebel
I do not want no problems , quarrels within our organization.
Trial - 5 Days . If you'll not break our rules. You will not...
I think the idea is cool , but on the server must remain preserved balance . This is an RP server , but we must take into account the playability. It is also an important feature server .
Neutral towards -Support