Refund request

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Your in-game name: Sasha Attard

Steam name: Výlla

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42346092

Reason: So i recently bought the Ferrari F50. The steering is so bad, when you turn it spins out or smash into the wall.

The speed is awful, it only goes 85-90 mph "The price is 2.6mil". The Porsche 911"2.3mil" , Bmw m5 "Upgraded once around 1.1mil ", Dodge viper "2mil" , Noble " 2.4- 2.3 mil , Nissan GTR" around 2.4 mil, Nissan skyline " 1.7mil" and the Lamborghini miura "around 1.6mil" is faster then the Ferrari F50. When you hit the side wall it kinda sticks to it, its very hard to turn the other way.

It's not drivable
You wont get refunded for buying a car and not liking it, as @Nothelle said; you should of looked and tested the car prior to purchase. In my opinion, it's your fault.
As I stated to you yesterday, I have been trying to work with @Xquality to correct several cars, and we're starting from the top of the price range so the more expensive cars are corrected first as they're more likely to have issues because of their high speeds. So the car presently may not be the best, but if he does his part and gets to it, your car will drive just fine when it is updated. For now I would simply recommend you don't drive with your foot on the floor, but drive it properly, braking at turns where necessary.

According to one small test I did, the GT-R is just slightly slower than your F50, which it should be. One thing to note, as you pay more for expensive cars, their respective speed change may not be as dramatic as they are with lower end cars. This is simply because if it were, a Bugatti would simply go 0-100 within a blink of an eye and be completely uncontrollable, so past a certain point you pay more for style than speed increase in all reality.
I have a question . Why do people buy cars just for speed? Is here is not about the type of car , appearance and other characteristics?
For me it is a little ridiculous.
This is an RP server . No GTA Series
Serious RP
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